A brief history. Customer running SBS 2003, I upgraded them to WSS3 by
installing along side WSS2, moved the DB over and everything has been working
great for the last month. Users could search and get PDFs back and
All of a sudden, PDF search stopped working. I uninstalled the iFilter and
Adobe Reader 6 and installed Adobe 8 (has iFilter included) and added the
string 38/pdf to the registry as needed. I uploaded a new PDF and would get
the following error:
Unexpected query execution failure, error code 266. Additional error
information from SQL Server is included below. "Transaction count after
EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing.
Previous count = 0, current count = 1." Query text (if available): "DECLARE
@@S uniqueidentifier; DECLARE @@DocId uniqueidentifier; DECLARE @@Level
tinyint; DECLARE @@DocUIVersion int; DECLARE @@DoclibRowId int; DECLARE
@@iRet int;DECLARE @DN nvarchar(256); DECLARE @LN nvarchar(128); DECLARE @FU
nvarchar(260); SET @@Level=1 SET @@DocUIVersion =512 SET
@@DocId='D65FE3B9-A173-4BC0-879A-49AFC2E5827C' SET
@@S='7C9C73CC-700F-45AF-961F-3D91DDF49D62' SET
@DN=N'patrol/Lists/Announcements/Attachments/17'; SET @LN=N'Clearing Download
Flag.camrec';BEGIN TRAN; EXEC @@iRet = proc_AddDocument
@LN OUTPUT, @@Level, @@DocUIVersion,
OUTPUT,0,?,? OUTPUT; SET @FU = dbo.fn_GetFullUrl(@DN, @LN); IF @@iRet <> 0
GOTO done; EXEC proc_DirtyDependents @@S,1,@FU; done: IF @@iRet=0 BEGIN EXEC
proc_GetLinkInfoSingleDoc @@S,@DN,@LN,@@Level; END ELSE ROLLBACK; SET
Yeah, real nice. I did some basic searching on it and didn't find much so i
removed the search database and created a new one. And now this is where it
all goes in a handbasket:
- When I upload PDFs, i get the above error still.
- I add new list items and they are not returning in search results at all.
- Looking in Central Admin, Timer Job Sstatus, the SharePoint Services
Search Refresh is succeeding everytime it runs.
- When I run stsadm -o spsearch -action fullcrawlstart, the processor get's
pinned by msssearch, w3wp and mssdmn alternating, for about 2 minutes.
Appears to be running but nothing is returned in the search results.
A few more items
- the search service is using a user account that has full sysadmin rights
to SQL
- after running the above, the new search DB is only 30MB while the old one
is 220MB, which makes sense. The WSS DB is about 2GB.
This is rather urgent. about 100 users and their primary use for this app is
to share information and search against history. At least they can keep
uploading but searching is not working at all.
Thanks in advance!
A brief history. Customer running SBS 2003, I upgraded them to WSS3 by
installing along side WSS2, moved the DB over and everything has been working
great for the last month. Users could search and get PDFs back and
All of a sudden, PDF search stopped working. I uninstalled the iFilter and
Adobe Reader 6 and installed Adobe 8 (has iFilter included) and added the
string 38/pdf to the registry as needed. I uploaded a new PDF and would get
the following error:
Unexpected query execution failure, error code 266. Additional error
information from SQL Server is included below. "Transaction count after
EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing.
Previous count = 0, current count = 1." Query text (if available): "DECLARE
@@S uniqueidentifier; DECLARE @@DocId uniqueidentifier; DECLARE @@Level
tinyint; DECLARE @@DocUIVersion int; DECLARE @@DoclibRowId int; DECLARE
@@iRet int;DECLARE @DN nvarchar(256); DECLARE @LN nvarchar(128); DECLARE @FU
nvarchar(260); SET @@Level=1 SET @@DocUIVersion =512 SET
@@DocId='D65FE3B9-A173-4BC0-879A-49AFC2E5827C' SET
@@S='7C9C73CC-700F-45AF-961F-3D91DDF49D62' SET
@DN=N'patrol/Lists/Announcements/Attachments/17'; SET @LN=N'Clearing Download
Flag.camrec';BEGIN TRAN; EXEC @@iRet = proc_AddDocument
@LN OUTPUT, @@Level, @@DocUIVersion,
OUTPUT,0,?,? OUTPUT; SET @FU = dbo.fn_GetFullUrl(@DN, @LN); IF @@iRet <> 0
GOTO done; EXEC proc_DirtyDependents @@S,1,@FU; done: IF @@iRet=0 BEGIN EXEC
proc_GetLinkInfoSingleDoc @@S,@DN,@LN,@@Level; END ELSE ROLLBACK; SET
Yeah, real nice. I did some basic searching on it and didn't find much so i
removed the search database and created a new one. And now this is where it
all goes in a handbasket:
- When I upload PDFs, i get the above error still.
- I add new list items and they are not returning in search results at all.
- Looking in Central Admin, Timer Job Sstatus, the SharePoint Services
Search Refresh is succeeding everytime it runs.
- When I run stsadm -o spsearch -action fullcrawlstart, the processor get's
pinned by msssearch, w3wp and mssdmn alternating, for about 2 minutes.
Appears to be running but nothing is returned in the search results.
A few more items
- the search service is using a user account that has full sysadmin rights
to SQL
- after running the above, the new search DB is only 30MB while the old one
is 220MB, which makes sense. The WSS DB is about 2GB.
This is rather urgent. about 100 users and their primary use for this app is
to share information and search against history. At least they can keep
uploading but searching is not working at all.
Thanks in advance!