Michael Friendly
I have a LaTeX document composed of historical items with structured
fields (on the history of data visualization,
I'd like to create a web-based facility to provide searching of these
items. As a first step, I've written a perl script to translate the
LaTeX stuff into various formats: tagged, CSV, HTML, XML. But I don't
know how to choose a data format and appropriate software tools to
accomplish this most easily.
There's a bewildering array of perl modules for databases, XML, etc.
but I'm not sure what would be most useful in this context. Can anyone
help point me in useful directions? I'm doing this on a debian linux
system, and a solution involving software other than perl is possible.
For example, the tagged format looks like this:
KEY: Ptolemy150
YEAR: c. 150
WHAT: Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude and
longitude to characterize position (first display of longitude)
WHO: Claudius Ptolemy
WHERE: Alexandria, Egypt
TXT: http://portico.bl.uk/exhibitions/maps/ptolemy.html::Ptolemy's
world map, description and high-res image::
PIC: /SCS/Gallery/images/portraits/ptolemy.gif:
tolemy, portrait
from ca. 1400 (90 x 109; 9K)::
FIG: /SCS/Gallery/images/ptolemy-map.jpg:
tolemy's world map,
republished in 1482 (640 x 496; 40K)::
ADD: 11/22/00
and the XML format like this (I have a basic DTD):
<hdbitem key="Ptolemy150" added="11/22/00">
<description>Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude
and longitude to characterize position (first display of longitude)
<who first="Claudius" last="Ptolemy" lived="c. 85--c. 165">Claudius
<date from="c. 150" to="c. 150">c. 150</date>
<where>Alexandria, Egypt</where>
<commentary url="http://portico.bl.uk/exhibitions/maps/ptolemy.html"
text="Ptolemy's world map, description and high-res image" />
text="Ptolemy history" />
<figure type="portrait"
url="/SCS/Gallery/images/portraits/ptolemy.gif" height="109" width="90"
<caption>Ptolemy, portrait from ca. 1400</caption>
<figure type="figure" url="/SCS/Gallery/images/ptolemy-map.jpg"
height="496" width="640" size="40K">
<caption>Ptolemy's world map, republished in 1482</caption>
Michael Friendly Email: (e-mail address removed)
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html
Toronto, ONT M3J 1P3 CANADA
fields (on the history of data visualization,
I'd like to create a web-based facility to provide searching of these
items. As a first step, I've written a perl script to translate the
LaTeX stuff into various formats: tagged, CSV, HTML, XML. But I don't
know how to choose a data format and appropriate software tools to
accomplish this most easily.
There's a bewildering array of perl modules for databases, XML, etc.
but I'm not sure what would be most useful in this context. Can anyone
help point me in useful directions? I'm doing this on a debian linux
system, and a solution involving software other than perl is possible.
For example, the tagged format looks like this:
KEY: Ptolemy150
YEAR: c. 150
WHAT: Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude and
longitude to characterize position (first display of longitude)
WHO: Claudius Ptolemy
WHERE: Alexandria, Egypt
TXT: http://portico.bl.uk/exhibitions/maps/ptolemy.html::Ptolemy's
world map, description and high-res image::
PIC: /SCS/Gallery/images/portraits/ptolemy.gif:
from ca. 1400 (90 x 109; 9K)::
FIG: /SCS/Gallery/images/ptolemy-map.jpg:
republished in 1482 (640 x 496; 40K)::
ADD: 11/22/00
and the XML format like this (I have a basic DTD):
<hdbitem key="Ptolemy150" added="11/22/00">
<description>Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude
and longitude to characterize position (first display of longitude)
<who first="Claudius" last="Ptolemy" lived="c. 85--c. 165">Claudius
<date from="c. 150" to="c. 150">c. 150</date>
<where>Alexandria, Egypt</where>
<commentary url="http://portico.bl.uk/exhibitions/maps/ptolemy.html"
text="Ptolemy's world map, description and high-res image" />
text="Ptolemy history" />
<figure type="portrait"
url="/SCS/Gallery/images/portraits/ptolemy.gif" height="109" width="90"
<caption>Ptolemy, portrait from ca. 1400</caption>
<figure type="figure" url="/SCS/Gallery/images/ptolemy-map.jpg"
height="496" width="640" size="40K">
<caption>Ptolemy's world map, republished in 1482</caption>
Michael Friendly Email: (e-mail address removed)
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/friendly.html
Toronto, ONT M3J 1P3 CANADA