segmentation fault overloaded operators



I have created to classes Matrix and System. System is made up of
type matrix.
class Matrix
int row, col;
double *data
Matrix(const int& M, const int& N): row(M), col(N)
data = new double[row*col];
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = 0;


...... etc

class System
int num_eq; //number of differential equations in
Matrix *equations; //array of class Matrix
System(const unsigned int num):num_eq(num)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
..... etc

In both classes I have overloaded an operator to facilitate addition.

/*Addition Operator Matrix plus Matrix*/

friend Matrix operator +(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)

Matrix C(A.row, A.col);
assert((A.row == B.row) && (A.col == B.col));

for(int m = 0; m<C.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<C.col; n++)
{[m*C.col + n] =[m*A.col + n] +[m*B.col + n];

return C;

/*Addition Operator System plus System*/

friend System operator +(const System& A, const System& B)

System C(A.num_eq);
assert(A.num_eq == B.num_eq);
for(int i = 0; i<C.num_eq; i++)
C.equations = A.equations + B.equations;
return C;

I have written a simple driver program to test the functionality of
these two classes. Given the following variables which have been
properly initialized

Matrix A, B, C, D;
System W, X, Y, Z;

D = A + B + C; //produces valid results
Z = W + X; //produces valid results
Z = W + X + Y; //produces a segmentation fault

I have tried enclosing the terms within parenthesis but that does not
do anything. The code for the operator+ is nearly identical for both
classes. What causes the segmentation fault and how can I resolve it?


PS How do I inset code and preserve formatting?


I have created to classes Matrix and System.  System is made up of
type matrix.
class Matrix
                 int row, col;
                 double *data

A semicolon is missing here...
     Matrix(const int& M, const int& N): row(M), col(N)
          data = new double[row*col];
          for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
              for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
                   data[m*row + n] = 0;

A curly brace seems missing here...

You can shorten this significantly if you just write

    Matrix(const int& M, const int& N)
      : row(M), col(N), data = new double[row*col]() {}

(notice the parentheses after the bracketed expression).

..... etc

Well, it is very important *what* you have here.  Have you followed the
"Rule of Three" carefully?
class System
        int num_eq;         //number of differential equations in
        Matrix *equations;   //array of class Matrix

Sorry, this comment is bogus.
        System(const unsigned int num):num_eq(num)
            equations = new Matrix[num_eq];

Again, consider initialisation instead of assigning.
.... etc

Again, the question here is whether the Rule of Three was followed.  Of
course, there is another way - don't use dynamically allocated manual
arrays for the data in 'Matrix' and 'System'.  Use 'vector<double>' and
'vector said:
In both classes I have overloaded an operator to facilitate addition.
/*Addition Operator Matrix plus Matrix*/
friend Matrix operator +(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)
    Matrix C(A.row, A.col);
    assert((A.row == B.row) && (A.col == B.col));

I would rewrite it slightly.   Assert first, only then allocate.  Don't
allocate the default, copy the 'A' matrix there.  Once you copied, use
the compound assignment instead of regular one.


     Matrix C(A); // copy-initialisation


        for(int m = 0; m<C.row; m++)
            for(int n = 0; n<C.col; n++)
      [m*C.col + n] =[m*A.col + n] +[m*B.col + n];


         [..] +=[..];

    return C;

If you created all necessary pieces to handle copying, you should have
no problem.

 /*Addition Operator System plus System*/
        friend System operator +(const System& A, const System& B)
            System C(A.num_eq);
            assert(A.num_eq == B.num_eq);
            for(int i = 0; i<C.num_eq; i++)
                C.equations = A.equations + B.equations;
            return C;

I have written a simple driver program to test the functionality of
these two classes. Given the following variables which have been
properly initialized
Matrix A, B, C, D;

There is no default constructor in your Matrix class.  Hence I have a
problem with this code of yours.  It's not the code you have.  See the
FAQ 5.8.
System W, X, Y, Z;
D = A + B + C;         //produces valid results
Z = W + X;               //produces valid results
Z = W + X + Y;         //produces a segmentation fault
I have tried enclosing the terms within parenthesis but that does not
do anything.  The code for the operator+ is nearly identical for both
classes.  What causes the segmentation fault and how can I resolve it?

PS How do I inset code and preserve formatting?

Make sure you have spaces instead of tabs.  If you have, I'm not sure
what problem you are experiencing.

All in all, I would say RTFFAQ first, and then ask other questions.

Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
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I reposted my code into something that is compilable. I have been
using g++ ver 4.1.2 2007112. I have been careful to follow the rule
of the big three when making custom structures. I still get a
segmentation fault whenever I add three objects of type system
I can add two objects of type System together withou any prolem.. i

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Matrix

int row; //number of rows;
int col; //number of col;
double *data; //pointer to pointers (2D data structure of the

Matrix():row(0), col(0){}

Matrix(const int& M, const int& N): row(M), col(N)
data = new double[row*col]; //allocate memory for array of
type double
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = 0;

/*Constructor for Initialized to values as specified in array A*/
Matrix(const double* A, const int& M, const int& N): row(M),
data = new double[row*col]; //allocate memory for array
of type double
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] = A[m*row + n];

/*Copy Constructor*/
Matrix(const Matrix& old_Matrix): row(old_Matrix.row),
data = new double[row*col];
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] =[m*row + n];

delete[] data;
data = NULL;
/*Addition Operator Matrix plus Matrix*/

friend Matrix operator +(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B)
assert((A.row == B.row) && (A.col == B.col));
Matrix C(A.row, A.col);
for(int m = 0; m<C.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<C.col; n++)
{[m*C.row + n] =[m*A.row + n] +[m*B.row
+ n];
return C;


#include "matrix.cpp"
using namespace std;
class System
int num_eq; //number of differential equations in system
Matrix *equations; //array of class Matrix
System(const unsigned int num):num_eq(num)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
/*Copy Constructor*/
System(const System& old_System): num_eq(old_System.num_eq)
equations = new Matrix[num_eq];
for(int i = 0; i<num_eq; i++)
equations = old_System.equations;
delete[] equations;
equations = NULL;
/*Assignment Operator*/
const System& operator=(const System& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete[] this->equations; // donate back useless memory
this->equations = new Matrix[rhs.num_eq]; // allocate new
num_eq = rhs.num_eq;

for(int i = 0; i<num_eq; i++)
equations = rhs.equations;
return *this; // return self-reference so cascaded assignment
/*Addition Operator System plus System*/

friend System operator +(const System& A, const System& B)
System C(A.num_eq);
assert(A.num_eq == B.num_eq);
for(int i = 0; i<C.num_eq; i++)
C.equations = A.equations + B.equations;
return C;

/*Accessor Functions*/

Matrix operator()(const unsigned short int a) const
assert(a < this->num_eq);
return this->equations[a];
Matrix& operator()(const unsigned short int a)
assert(a < this->num_eq);
return this->equations[a];

/*Ouput Operator*/
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Matrix & A)
for(int m = 0; m<A.row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<A.col; n++)
out <<[m*A.row + n]<<' ';
out <<endl;
return out;

/*Assignment Operator*/
const Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
delete[] this->data; // donate back useless memory
this->data = new double[rhs.row*rhs.col]; // allocate new
row = rhs.row;
col = rhs.col;
for(int m = 0; m<row; m++)
for(int n = 0; n<col; n++)
data[m*row + n] =[m*rhs.row + n];
return *this; // return self-reference so cascaded assignment

double operator()(const unsigned short int a , const unsigned short
int b) const
assert((a < this->row) || (b < this->col));
return this->data[(a)*this->col + (b)];
double& operator()(const unsigned short int a , const unsigned
short int b)
assert((a < this->row) || (b < this->col));
return this->data[(a)*this->col + (b)];



#include <cstdlib>
#include "system.cpp"
#define M 3 //number of rows
#define N 3 //number of col
using namespace std;

int main()
double a[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
double b[9] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
double c[9] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
Matrix Er(a,M,N);
Matrix Ei(b,M,N);
Matrix G(c,M,N);

System Y(3);
System X(3);
Y(0) = Er;
Y(1) = Ei;
Y(2) = G;

X = Y + Y;
X = Y + Y + Y;

return 0;

Any help would be appreciated.


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