Select Boxes and Submenus - Help!!



Im looking for some help or ideas on which way to go with asp page I am

I have a page with 5 different Main Category Dropdowns, and each of the 5
main categories, can have at least 5 sub-categories..My problem

As I am creating the page, I have the 5 Main Category Select boxes listed,
but when a user chooses a main category, they then must choose the sub
categories also, so I thought about using an onchange event, but I also need
to consider if when the person goes to edit that product, what will be the
easiest options..

Any ideas?? previous experiences?


Rob Meade

Any ideas?? previous experiences?

Hi Archie,

I'm not a huge fan of drop down boxes, for a couple of reasons the main one
being that its VERY easy for a user to select what they want, and then by
accidentally hitting the mouse or whatever something else being selected.

If you have multiple select boxes on a page I would suggest no more than 2
unless you are doing some kind of consumer review form or something (which
it doesnt sound like you are) - keep it simple, keep it easy.

Drop downs that are related to each other will need to have client side
script running, I've got something written at work that uses 3 drop downs
that relate to each selection etc (in our case here Organisation > Site >
Location) - the downside of this is that we have to pull ALL of the data
items from the database initially, we're using Javascript to match up
selections with the onchange events, but if you have a huge data selection I
would not recommend this approach as it delays page load times whilst all
the data items are read into the page one by one.

I'm all for choice - but primarily aim at making things easier for the
user - only by playing with different alternatives will you find the one
that works best for you and your solution.

Good luck!

Incidentally - for the javascript try



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