my @titlelist;
open FILE, "<$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/vault/titlelist.txt" or die
@titlelist = <FILE>;
close FILE;
print br() x 5;
print start_form( action=>'/cgi-bin/admin.pl' );
print table( {class=>'user_form'},
Tr( td( {width=>'55%'}, 'Select items' ),
td( {width=>'35%'}, popup_menu( -name=>'title', -values=>
\@titlelist )),
td( {width=>'10%'}, submit('add'))),
Tr( td( 'Soemthign to remark on order' ),
td( {colspan=>2}, textarea( -name=>'remark', -rows=>6, -
columns=>35 ))),
Tr( td( 'ask for soemthing else if it snot listed on drop don
menu' ),
td( textfield( -name=>'request' )),
td( submit('request'))),
Tr( td( a( {href=>'/cgi-bin/show.pl?name=showbook'},
font( {size=>3, color=>'yellow'}, 'Change Order' ))),
td( {colspan=>2}, submit( 'Order!' )))
print hidden(-name=>'date', -value=>$date);
print hidden(-name=>'host', -value=>$host);
print end_form();
print br() x 5;
In the above code when user hits the "Add" button or the "request"
button i need it to get the user selection from frop down menu and
store it.
Its about selecting items to place and orer list, i want the user to
select many items form the drop down menu. And also to write its own
if he can t find somethign from the drop down menu and then hit
How can i do it so the user hits those submits button so many times as
is the amount of items he wants? Where do i have to submit the form
to? to itself?
ps1. I edited it and wrote all the greek words to english ones. Also
corrected spelling errors.
ps2. Asked in PM as well but didnt got an answer.
my @titlelist;
open FILE, "<$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}/data/vault/titlelist.txt" or die
@titlelist = <FILE>;
close FILE;
print br() x 5;
print start_form( action=>'/cgi-bin/admin.pl' );
print table( {class=>'user_form'},
Tr( td( {width=>'55%'}, 'Select items' ),
td( {width=>'35%'}, popup_menu( -name=>'title', -values=>
\@titlelist )),
td( {width=>'10%'}, submit('add'))),
Tr( td( 'Soemthign to remark on order' ),
td( {colspan=>2}, textarea( -name=>'remark', -rows=>6, -
columns=>35 ))),
Tr( td( 'ask for soemthing else if it snot listed on drop don
menu' ),
td( textfield( -name=>'request' )),
td( submit('request'))),
Tr( td( a( {href=>'/cgi-bin/show.pl?name=showbook'},
font( {size=>3, color=>'yellow'}, 'Change Order' ))),
td( {colspan=>2}, submit( 'Order!' )))
print hidden(-name=>'date', -value=>$date);
print hidden(-name=>'host', -value=>$host);
print end_form();
print br() x 5;
In the above code when user hits the "Add" button or the "request"
button i need it to get the user selection from frop down menu and
store it.
Its about selecting items to place and orer list, i want the user to
select many items form the drop down menu. And also to write its own
if he can t find somethign from the drop down menu and then hit
How can i do it so the user hits those submits button so many times as
is the amount of items he wants? Where do i have to submit the form
to? to itself?
ps1. I edited it and wrote all the greek words to english ones. Also
corrected spelling errors.
ps2. Asked in PM as well but didnt got an answer.