Richard A. DeVenezia
I hope this is the end of my present 'discovery' phase. I've learned alot
about JavaScript in a short time and my head hurts. The following is what
came out of all my questions and all the excellent answers (thanks!). It
will be the basis of a slightly more complicated function for rendering a
two-level navigation bar ( Don't have time to get into design of a
multi-styletype renderer for n-level hierarchies. )
This is a single function that will perform color transitioning.
If Foo is an unavailable identifier, change it to whatever you want, nothing
else needs to be changed (except the invocation of it)
function Foo (argument) {
// Simpleton singleton
var callee = arguments.callee
if (callee.singleton != undefined)
return callee.singleton
if (this == window)
return new callee ( argument )
callee.singleton = this
var myName = callee.toString().replace (/\n/g, ' ').match(
/function\s(.*?)(\s|\()/ ) [1]
//alert ('my name is ' + myName)
installClassMethods ()
function doBunchOfStuff () {
var id = '_' + Math.random(0).toString().substring(2)
document.write ('<TABLE ID="' + id + '"><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>')
var table = document.getElementById (id)
table.deleteRow (0)
var row = table.insertRow (table.rows.length)
var cell = row.insertCell ( row.cells.length )
cell.innerHTML = '<B>Provided</B> by <I>convenience</I> of innerHTML'
cell.style.borderStyle = 'solid'
cell.style.borderColor = 'Black'
cell.style.borderWidth = '1px'
cell.onmouseover = function ( E ) { callee.over (this) }
cell.onmouseout = function ( E ) { callee.out (this) }
function installClassMethods () {
callee.over = function (td) {
td.style.backgroundColor = 'black'
callee.out = function (td) {
td.transition = new callee.transition (td)
callee.transition = function (td) {
this.td = td
this.step = 0
this.interval = 10
callee.transition.prototype.doStart = function () {
thisObj = this
this.timerId = setInterval ( function () { thisObj.doStep() },
this.interval )
callee.transition.prototype.doStep = function () {
this.step += 4
if (this.step > 255) this.step = 255
this.td.style.backgroundColor =
if (this.step == 255) {
clearTimeout (this.timerId)
this.td.transition = null
} // end of Foo
about JavaScript in a short time and my head hurts. The following is what
came out of all my questions and all the excellent answers (thanks!). It
will be the basis of a slightly more complicated function for rendering a
two-level navigation bar ( Don't have time to get into design of a
multi-styletype renderer for n-level hierarchies. )
This is a single function that will perform color transitioning.
If Foo is an unavailable identifier, change it to whatever you want, nothing
else needs to be changed (except the invocation of it)
function Foo (argument) {
// Simpleton singleton
var callee = arguments.callee
if (callee.singleton != undefined)
return callee.singleton
if (this == window)
return new callee ( argument )
callee.singleton = this
var myName = callee.toString().replace (/\n/g, ' ').match(
/function\s(.*?)(\s|\()/ ) [1]
//alert ('my name is ' + myName)
installClassMethods ()
function doBunchOfStuff () {
var id = '_' + Math.random(0).toString().substring(2)
document.write ('<TABLE ID="' + id + '"><TR><TD></TD></TR></TABLE>')
var table = document.getElementById (id)
table.deleteRow (0)
var row = table.insertRow (table.rows.length)
var cell = row.insertCell ( row.cells.length )
cell.innerHTML = '<B>Provided</B> by <I>convenience</I> of innerHTML'
cell.style.borderStyle = 'solid'
cell.style.borderColor = 'Black'
cell.style.borderWidth = '1px'
cell.onmouseover = function ( E ) { callee.over (this) }
cell.onmouseout = function ( E ) { callee.out (this) }
function installClassMethods () {
callee.over = function (td) {
td.style.backgroundColor = 'black'
callee.out = function (td) {
td.transition = new callee.transition (td)
callee.transition = function (td) {
this.td = td
this.step = 0
this.interval = 10
callee.transition.prototype.doStart = function () {
thisObj = this
this.timerId = setInterval ( function () { thisObj.doStep() },
this.interval )
callee.transition.prototype.doStep = function () {
this.step += 4
if (this.step > 255) this.step = 255
this.td.style.backgroundColor =
if (this.step == 255) {
clearTimeout (this.timerId)
this.td.transition = null
} // end of Foo