I need to write a program for use a serial port. I'm using the Borland C++
5.5 I tried to use the old method with the library bios.h but this library
does not come with the borlad. Propabilbly it can not be use with windows
I do not have a very strong experience in C++ someone can help me with a
little demo?
I do not know how to use the object programmation. For this reason I need
something that will run in a dos shell.
I need to write a program for use a serial port. I'm using the Borland C++
5.5 I tried to use the old method with the library bios.h but this library
does not come with the borlad. Propabilbly it can not be use with windows
I do not have a very strong experience in C++ someone can help me with a
little demo?
I do not know how to use the object programmation. For this reason I need
something that will run in a dos shell.