
  • Thread starter Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis
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Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis

Bom dia!
to começando com java mas no entanto já tenho uma certa experiência com php. to tentando criar um serversocket com java para receber dados de umgps modelo tk102 , fiz a classe abaixo que por sinal esta "funcionando" euemulei o modelo dele no meu smart e ele fez o que tinha que fazer leu e imprimiu em tela os logs, entretanto quando eu coloco o gps pra conectar ele nao conect. sei que ele esta funcionando pois em um forum na net um cara meforneceu o ip do server dele e nele conectou. alguem pode me ajudar ?


public class Track {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declaro o ServerSocket
ServerSocket serv = null;

//Declaro o Socket de comunicação
Socket s = null;

//Declaro o leitor para a entrada de dados
BufferedReader entrada = null;

while (true) {

try {

//Cria o ServerSocket na porta 11000 se estiver disponível
serv = new ServerSocket(11000);

//Aguarda uma conexão na porta especificada e cria retorna o socket que irá comunicar com o cliente
s = serv.accept();

//Cria um BufferedReader para o canal da stream de entrada de dados do socket s
entrada = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));

//Aguarda por algum dado e imprime a linha recebida quando recebe

//trata possíveis excessões de input/output. Note que as excessões são as mesmas utilizadas para as classes de
} catch (IOException e) {

//Imprime uma notificação na saída padrão caso hajaalgo errado.
System.out.println("Algum problema ocorreu para criar ou receber o socket.");

} finally {

try {

//Encerro o socket de comunicação

//Encerro o ServerSocket

} catch (IOException e) {


Joerg Meier

Bom dia!
to começando com java mas no entanto já tenho uma certa experiência com php. to tentando criar um serversocket com java para receber dados de um gps modelo tk102 , fiz a classe abaixo que por sinal esta "funcionando" eu emulei o modelo dele no meu smart e ele fez o que tinha que fazer leu e imprimiu em tela os logs, entretanto quando eu coloco o gps pra conectar ele nao conect. sei que ele esta funcionando pois em um forum na net um cara me forneceu o ip do server dele e nele conectou. alguem pode me ajudar ?


Das ist ein sehr interessantes Schreiben, was Sie da veroeffentlichen.
Leider spreche ich Ihre Sprache nicht, genau so, wie Sie vermutlich meine
nicht sprechen. Daher ist es sinnvoll, Schreiben in einer der Gruppe
angepassten Sprache zu veroeffentlichen.

Liebe Gruesse,

Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis

Good morning!
to starting with java but Nevertheless I have some experience with php. Trying to create a ServerSocket with java to get data from the GPS model TK102, did the class below That by the way this "working" I emulei the model of it on my smart and he did what he HAD to read on screen and printed logs , However when i put the gps to connect it does not conect. I know he is working as a forum on the net a guy Gave me the ip of the server and connected it hin. Can someone help me?
Em sábado, 14 de julho de 2012 09h41min27s UTC-3, Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis escreveu:

Knute Johnson

Good morning!
to starting with java but Nevertheless I have some experience with php. Trying to create a ServerSocket with java to get data from the GPS model TK102, did the class below That by the way this "working" I emulei the model of it on my smart and he did what he HAD to read on screen and printed logs , However when i put the gps to connect it does not conect. I know he is working as a forum on the net a guy Gave me the ip of the server and connected it hin. Can someone help me?
Em sábado, 14 de julho de 2012 09h41min27s UTC-3, Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis escreveu:
Bom dia!
to começando com java mas no entanto já tenho uma certa experiência com php. to tentando criar um serversocket com java para receber dados de um gps modelo tk102 , fiz a classe abaixo que por sinal esta "funcionando" eu emulei o modelo dele no meu smart e ele fez o que tinha que fazer leu e imprimiu em tela os logs, entretanto quando eu coloco o gps pra conectar ele nao conect. sei que ele esta funcionando pois em um forum na net um cara me forneceu o ip do server dele e nele conectou. alguem pode me ajudar ?


public class Track {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declaro o ServerSocket
ServerSocket serv = null;

//Declaro o Socket de comunicação
Socket s = null;

//Declaro o leitor para a entrada de dados
BufferedReader entrada = null;

while (true) {

try {

//Cria o ServerSocket na porta 11000 se estiver disponível
serv = new ServerSocket(11000);

//Aguarda uma conexão na porta especificada e cria retorna o socket que irá comunicar com o cliente
s = serv.accept();

//Cria um BufferedReader para o canal da stream de entrada de dados do socket s
entrada = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));

//Aguarda por algum dado e imprime a linha recebida quando recebe

//trata possíveis excessões de input/output. Note que as excessões são as mesmas utilizadas para as classes de
} catch (IOException e) {

//Imprime uma notificação na saída padrão caso haja algo errado.
System.out.println("Algum problema ocorreu para criar ou receber o socket.");

} finally {

try {

//Encerro o socket de comunicação

//Encerro o ServerSocket

} catch (IOException e) {


A ServerSocket is used when you want to be the server. A Socket is used
when you want to connect to a server. Is the GPS running a server?


Joerg said:

Das ist ein sehr interessantes Schreiben, was Sie da veroeffentlichen.
Leider spreche ich Ihre Sprache nicht, genau so, wie Sie vermutlich meine
nicht sprechen. Daher ist es sinnvoll, Schreiben in einer der Gruppe
angepassten Sprache zu veroeffentlichen.

Really, Joerg? You couldn't pipe that through Google Translate


Trying to create a ServerSocket with java

It's spelled "Java", not "java".
to get data from the GPS model TK102, did the class below
That by the way this "working" I emulei the model of it on my smart
and he did what he HAD to read on screen and printed logs , However
when i put the gps to connect it does not conect. I know he is working

Actually, the code you show is riddled with bugs and potential bugs.

I don't know what you mean by "working", but it isn't what I mean.
as a forum on the net a guy Gave me the ip of the server and connected it hin.

Gave you the IP address of what server? How does another server demonstrate
the correctness of your code?

public class Track {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declaro o ServerSocket
ServerSocket serv = null;

//Declaro o Socket de comunicação
Socket s = null;

//Declaro o leitor para a entrada de dados
BufferedReader entrada = null;

while (true) {

try {

//Cria o ServerSocket na porta 11000 se estiver disponível
serv = new ServerSocket(11000);

//Aguarda uma conexão na porta especificada e cria retorna o socket que irá comunicar com o cliente
s = serv.accept();

//Cria um BufferedReader para o canal da stream de entrada de dados do socket s
entrada = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));

//Aguarda por algum dado e imprime a linha recebida quando recebe

//trata possíveis excessões de input/output. Note que as excessões são as mesmas utilizadas para as classes de
} catch (IOException e) {

//Imprime uma notificação na saída padrão caso haja algo errado.
System.out.println("Algum problema ocorreu para criar ou receber o socket.");

} finally {

try {

//Encerro o socket de comunicação

//Encerro o ServerSocket

} catch (IOException e) {

First, thank you for providing such a complete example. Not everyone does.
Those folks should take heed of

You do tend to comment excessively, making note of things the code itself
already documents. For example:

//Declaro o ServerSocket
ServerSocket serv = null;

Well, duh! Comments should be helpful, not silly. They should express what the
code does not already make crystal clear.

I find the style of many consecutive blank lines at random points in the
source to be disconcerting at best. What is it intended to communicate?

Also, your variable names are too terse. 's' and 'serv' are not as good
variable names as 'socket' and 'serverSocket'.

serverSocket = new ServerSocket(11000);

The value '11000' should be declared as a constant variable member, not
embedded deep in the code like this, an antipattern called "magic values".

catch (IOException e)

Don't ever ignore exceptions like that! At an absolute minimum you must log them.

Note that if 's.close();' throws an exception, 'serv.close();' will not
execute. There's room for a bug there, in theory. (In practice I've never
heard of such a 'close()' call failing, but it could, I suppose.)

Furthermore, you coded these resource variables in such a way as to risk a
'NullPointerException' ("NPE"). This is a common consequence of initializing
resource variables to 'null' and ignoring the concomitant responsibility to
check for 'null' before calling methods on them. That's bad coding, for sure.

I find it safer to declare the variables 'final' and not initialize them to
'null' but to the desired resource reference in a separate 'try...catch'
block. That way you don't have to check for 'null' when you 'close()' them.
Doing what you did is begging for bugs.

You initialize the server socket every time through the loop. That is not
normal. You shouldn't create a new server socket every time you want to make a
connection; you should reuse the server socket and get a new regular socket
for each connection.

You should limit the scope of 'entrada' to the block that uses it. Declaring
variables with too wide a scope is an invitation for bugs, and an impediment
to the garbage collector.

I provide a rewrite taking these hints into account. As an exercise, you
should convert all the static methods except 'main()' into instance methods. I
gave you a head start.

The code compiles but I haven't run it.

Question: How does the client know to connect to this server?
Question: How will the client connect to this server?
Question: Please show us the client code.

/* Track
* $RCSfile$
package eegee;

* Track.

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class Track
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Track.class);
static final int PORT = 11000;
static final int BAD_EXIT = -1;

static final String BAD_SERVER_SOCKET = "Unable to establish ServerSocket";
static final String BAD_CONNECT =
"Algum problema ocorreu para criar ou receber o socket.";
static final String BAD_GETSTREAM = "Unable to open InputStream";
static final String BAD_READ = "Bad read from Socket";
static final String BAD_CLOSE = "Failure in close() call";

* Run the Track server.
* @param args String [] of command-line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args)
final ServerSocket serverSocket;
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(PORT);
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_SERVER_SOCKET, exc);
return; // satisfy compiler that serverSocket was initialized
assert serverSocket != null;


private static void serveConnections(ServerSocket serverSocket)
while (true)
final Socket connectionSocket;
connectionSocket = serverSocket.accept();
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_CONNECT, exc);
assert connectionSocket != null;


private static void handleClient(Socket connectionSocket)
final BufferedReader entrada;
entrada = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_GETSTREAM, exc);
assert entrada != null;

String request = entrada.readLine();
catch (IOException exd)
logger.error(BAD_READ, exd);

private static void handleRequest(String request)

static void close(Closeable closeable)
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_CLOSE, exc);

static void close(Socket closeable)
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_CLOSE, exc);

private final int port;

* Instantiate with the default server port.
public Track()

* Instantiate with the specified server port.
* @param port int server port.
public Track(int port)
this.port = port;

public int getPort()
return port;


Lew wrote:
... [snip] ...
/* Track
* $RCSfile$
package eegee;

public class Track

private static void serveConnections(ServerSocket serverSocket)
while (true)
final Socket connectionSocket;
connectionSocket = serverSocket.accept();
catch (IOException exc)
logger.error(BAD_CONNECT, exc);
assert connectionSocket != null;


I made a mistake in the 'serveConnections()' method, arguably. Or maybe it
isn't a mistake.

What do you think; is it a mistake or not?

Martin Gregorie

translating Good morning!
to starting with java but Nevertheless I have some experience with php.
Trying to create a ServerSocket with java to get data from the GPS
model TK102, did the class below That by the way this "working" I
emulei the model of it on my smart and he did what he HAD to read on
screen and printed logs , However when i put the gps to connect it does
not conect. I know he is working as a forum on the net a guy Gave me
the ip of the server and connected it hin. Can someone help me?
Em sábado, 14 de julho de 2012 09h41min27s UTC-3, Lucyann Lenon Emerick
De Assis escreveu:
Bom dia!
to começando com java mas no entanto já tenho uma certa experiência
com php. to tentando criar um serversocket com java para receber dados
de um gps modelo tk102 , fiz a classe abaixo que por sinal esta
"funcionando" eu emulei o modelo dele no meu smart e ele fez
o que tinha que fazer leu e imprimiu em tela os logs, entretanto
quando eu coloco o gps pra conectar ele nao conect. sei que ele esta
funcionando pois em um forum na net um cara me forneceu o ip do server
dele e nele conectou. alguem pode me ajudar ?


public class Track {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declaro o ServerSocket ServerSocket serv = null;

//Declaro o Socket de comunicação Socket s = null;

//Declaro o leitor para a entrada de dados BufferedReader
entrada = null;

while (true) {

try {

//Cria o ServerSocket na porta 11000 se estiver
disponível serv = new ServerSocket(11000);

//Aguarda uma conexão na porta especificada e cria
retorna o socket que irá comunicar com o cliente s =

//Cria um BufferedReader para o canal da stream de entrada de dados
do socket s
entrada = new BufferedReader(new

//Aguarda por algum dado e imprime a linha recebida
quando recebe System.out.println(entrada.readLine());

//trata possíveis excessões de input/output. Note que
as excessões são as mesmas utilizadas para as classes
} catch (IOException e) {

//Imprime uma notificação na saída padrão caso haja
algo errado.
System.out.println("Algum problema ocorreu para
criar ou receber o socket.");

} finally {

try {

//Encerro o socket de comunicação s.close();

//Encerro o ServerSocket serv.close();

} catch (IOException e) {


A ServerSocket is used when you want to be the server. A Socket is used
when you want to connect to a server. Is the GPS running a server?
I've found a set of variations on a sort-of spec for the TK-102 which
don't shed a lot of light. The thing is a vehicle or person tracker:
you're meant to stick a SIM into it and either interrogate it via SMS or
set it up to send you an SMS at configurable intervals to say where it
is. It also seems to have a microphone that can be used to listen in to
what's happening near it.

It appears that you can also talk to it via its USB socket for
configuration, etc. This assumes you'll use something like a Windows box
running Hyperterminal or a Linux system running minicom or Kermit. I
gather from this that the USB connection must be a serial connection,
which Java does not do without JNI, though I suppose you could use a
socket connection to talk to a TCP:serial converter of some sort.

There is some talk about configuring it with an IPV4 IP, but I frankly
don't understand this unless you can piggyback a TCP session onto GPRS
and/or via an SMS stream and so get to it that way.

In any case it looks very much as though the TK-102 wants to be the
server, so if it can be reached over a socket connection, it looks like
the OP should be using a Socket rather than a ServerSocket to talk to it.

Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis

Well, first I thank you for the answer, and guidelines apply to my learning!
the customer is a good model tk 102 gps, if not I engando communicates via tcp.
What struck me is that the same code works on a smartphone, I used the tracker to emulate mylive sending data tk 102
Em sábado, 14 de julho de 2012 18h12min22s UTC-3, Lew escreveu:

Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis

Em segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2012 08h49min06s UTC-3, Lucyann Lenon Emerick De Assis escreveu:
Well, first I thank you for the answer, and guidelines apply to my learning!
the customer is a good model tk 102 gps, if not I engando communicates via tcp.
What struck me is that the same code works on a smartphone, I used the tracker to emulate mylive sending data tk 102
Em sábado, 14 de julho de 2012 18h12min22s UTC-3, Lew escreveu:
> Lew wrote:
> ... [snip] ...
> > /* Track
> > * $RCSfile$
> > */
> > package eegee;
> ...
> > public class Track
> > {
> ...
> > private static void serveConnections(ServerSocket serverSocket)
> > {
> > while (true)
> > {
> > final Socket connectionSocket;
> > try
> > {
> > connectionSocket = serverSocket.accept();
> > }
> > catch (IOException exc)
> > {
> > logger.error(BAD_CONNECT, exc);
> > return;
> > }
> > assert connectionSocket != null;
> >
> > try
> > {
> > handleClient(connectionSocket);
> > }
> > finally
> > {
> > close(connectionSocket);
> > }
> > }
> > }
> ...
> I made a mistake in the 'serveConnections()' method,arguably. Or maybe it
> isn't a mistake.
> What do you think; is it a mistake or not?
> --
> Lew
> Honi soit qui mal y pense.
you're telling me I have to create a client and not a server socket?, and as I receive data connection?


Lucyann said:
Lew escreveu:
Lew wrote:
... [snip] ...
you're telling me I have to create a client and not a server socket?, and as I receive data connection?


I am showing you how to do exactly what you did with your original
code sample, to wit, set up a socket server, with less risk of bugs
than in your original code.

I have no idea if what you showed will do what you want. You haven't
provided enough data that I can use to answer that.

Others have asked the relevant questions.

Namely, if the device connects to your server as a client, then you
write the server code something along the lines shown above.

Is that how the device works?

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