Session variables start disappearing after DAYS of working fine!


Larry Woods

I have a site that works fine for days, then suddenly, I start getting ASP
0115 errors with an indication that session variables IN SEPARATE SESSIONS
have disappeared!

First, for background information, I have a customized 500-100 page that
sends the value of various session variables via email to my support site.

The situation:

On the home page of the site, the FIRST THING that is done is a Session
variable is created that saves the Session ID. I see an ASP 0115 error thru
the email, with NO value defined for the session variable that SHOULD
contain the Session ID. After the first error, I see more of them.

Any ideas??? (I have looked at aspfaq already)


Larry Woods

Larry Woods

Thanks, Bob,

I have previously reviewed all of these. The thing that is unique about
this error is that it only occurs intermittently--about once a week. The
problems that are noted in the support posts mostly reference errors that
are immediate, based upon a patch, version change, etc. This site is not
being touched.

Oh, well. I'll just keep looking...

Thanks, again,

Larry Woods

Brian Staff


Could it be that the session is timing out correctly...someone went to lunch
perhaps! but your pages went ahead processing using NULL session variables
thus causing a component to malfunction and eventually giving you ASP0115

JAT - Brian

Egbert Nierop \(MVP for IIS\)

Larry Woods said:
Thanks, Bob,

I have previously reviewed all of these. The thing that is unique about
this error is that it only occurs intermittently--about once a week. The
problems that are noted in the support posts mostly reference errors that
are immediate, based upon a patch, version change, etc. This site is not
being touched.

Oh, well. I'll just keep looking...
This might indicate a leak or something. In that case just reset IIS after x
days using task scheduler for instance.
On IIS 6 this can be set in COM+...

Larry Woods

The leak is a possibility. I am using a small Jet (Access) database for
parameter data. I read somewhere that you can get a memory leak in IIS if
you are using Jet. Have you seen this citation?


Larry Woods

Felix Wu [MSFT]

Hi Larry,

Besides, is it possible that the global.asax file was modified due to some
reasons, which made the web application reloaded. Also, check the Event log
on the server and see if the IIS service was restarted or something like


Felix Wu
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Larry Woods

Thanks, Felix,

It's ASP, not ASP.NET so global.asax isn't the problem. Also, I have
verified that IIS is not being restarted. I think that I might have a
memory leak but can't verify whether this would cause a ASP 0115.


Felix Wu [MSFT]

Hi Larry ,

I apologize for my typo. I meant "global.asa", not global.asax. If this
file is updated, the ASP engine will restart the ASP application and all
sessions in this application wil be discarded. This can be caused by some
Anti-virus softwares. When the global.asa is scanned (not modified), the
ASP engine thinks it has been updated and restarts the Web application.


Felix Wu
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

From: "Larry Woods" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>

Felix Wu [MSFT]

Hi Larry,

How the problem is going? To check if the web application is re-started,
you can add logging code to the Application Start event in the global.asa.
Then you can verify how often it is restarted.


Felix Wu
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Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 06:18:35 GMT
Subject: Re: Session variables start disappearing after DAYS of working fine!
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Hi Larry ,

I apologize for my typo. I meant "global.asa", not global.asax. If this
file is updated, the ASP engine will restart the ASP application and all
sessions in this application wil be discarded. This can be caused by some
Anti-virus softwares. When the global.asa is scanned (not modified), the
ASP engine thinks it has been updated and restarts the Web application.


Felix Wu
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

From: "Larry Woods" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Session variables start disappearing after DAYS of working fine!
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Thanks, Felix,

It's ASP, not ASP.NET so global.asax isn't the problem. Also, I have
verified that IIS is not being restarted. I think that I might have a
memory leak but can't verify whether this would cause a ASP 0115.


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