Gerard Flanagan
I have the following code:
#### builder.py #########
class HtmlBuilder(object):
def page(title=''):
return HtmlPage(title)
def element(tag, text=None, **attribs):
return HtmlElement(tag, text, **attribs)
def literal(text):
return HtmlLiteral(text)
class HtmlElementFactory(object):
def __init__(self):
for tag in ['li', 'ul']:
setattr( self, tag, HtmlBuilder.element(tag) )
and so I can do the following:
html = HtmlElementFactory()
ul = html.ul
ul.attrib['class'] = 'default'
for i in range(3):
li = html.li
li.text = 'ghfhj'
print ul.to_string()
but what I'd like to do is:
html = HtmlElementFactory()
ul = html.ul( class='default' )
for i in range(3):
ul.append( html.li( 'ghfhj' )
print ul.to_string()
ie. to pass along *args and **kwargs to the HtmlElement constructor.
Any suggestions? Or is there a better way to this kind of thing?
I have the following code:
#### builder.py #########
class HtmlBuilder(object):
def page(title=''):
return HtmlPage(title)
def element(tag, text=None, **attribs):
return HtmlElement(tag, text, **attribs)
def literal(text):
return HtmlLiteral(text)
class HtmlElementFactory(object):
def __init__(self):
for tag in ['li', 'ul']:
setattr( self, tag, HtmlBuilder.element(tag) )
and so I can do the following:
html = HtmlElementFactory()
ul = html.ul
ul.attrib['class'] = 'default'
for i in range(3):
li = html.li
li.text = 'ghfhj'
print ul.to_string()
but what I'd like to do is:
html = HtmlElementFactory()
ul = html.ul( class='default' )
for i in range(3):
ul.append( html.li( 'ghfhj' )
print ul.to_string()
ie. to pass along *args and **kwargs to the HtmlElement constructor.
Any suggestions? Or is there a better way to this kind of thing?