Kay Y. Jheallee
Using 1/3 as an example,
which seems to mean real (at least default) decimal precision
is limited to "double", 16 digit precision (with rounding error).
Is there a way to increase the real precision, preferably as
the default?
For instance, UBasic uses a "Words for fractionals", f,
"Point(f)" system, where Point(f) sets the decimal display
precision, .1^int(ln(65536^73)/ln(10)), with the last few digits
usually garbage.
Using "90*(pi/180)*180/pi" as an example to highlight the
rounding error (4 = UBasic's f default value):
Point(2)=.1^09: 89.999999306
Point(3)=.1^14: 89.9999999999944
Point(4)=.1^19: 89.9999999999999998772
Point(5)=.1^24: 89.999999999999999999999217
Point(7)=.1^33: 89.999999999999999999999999999999823
Point(10)=.1^48: 89.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999997686
If not in the core program, is there a higher decimal precision
module that can be added?
which seems to mean real (at least default) decimal precision
is limited to "double", 16 digit precision (with rounding error).
Is there a way to increase the real precision, preferably as
the default?
For instance, UBasic uses a "Words for fractionals", f,
"Point(f)" system, where Point(f) sets the decimal display
precision, .1^int(ln(65536^73)/ln(10)), with the last few digits
usually garbage.
Using "90*(pi/180)*180/pi" as an example to highlight the
rounding error (4 = UBasic's f default value):
Point(2)=.1^09: 89.999999306
Point(3)=.1^14: 89.9999999999944
Point(4)=.1^19: 89.9999999999999998772
Point(5)=.1^24: 89.999999999999999999999217
Point(7)=.1^33: 89.999999999999999999999999999999823
Point(10)=.1^48: 89.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999997686
If not in the core program, is there a higher decimal precision
module that can be added?