Thanks Ed and Denis. On this piece,
Although I'd probably use <p id="some_id"></p> and then set the
textContent with document.getElementById("some_id").textContent =
"whatever you want here";
Unfortunately, in the unvironment I have to work in, JavaScript use is
difficultbecuase it would have to interact with the PeopleSoft app
server to figure out the value to use in determining what the text
should be. So probably, I will need to feed whatever I want to insert
as HTML or CSS to a variable that will put that text into an HTML block
on the fly. Thanks.
OK, but presumably whatever mechanism you're using to insert text into a
readonly textarea element can also be used to insert text into a
paragraph element?
Is there any real difference between either inserting content on the
client side:
document.getElementById("textarea_id").value = "whatever you want here";
document.getElementById("p_id").textContent = "whatever you want here";
or in the server:
print("<textarea readonly='readonly'>" + text_content + "</textarea>");[1]
print("<p>" + text_content + "</p>");
apart from the fact that one generates a readonly textarea that you need
to style to look like a normal paragraph with css, and the other is a
normal paragraph.
In other words, what I think we're saying here is that perhaps you should
take a step back and ask "why am I using a textarea instead of a p here?"
Getting the content into either is a trivial task. Using a p is much
easier than making a textarea into a p with css. If you are using the
textarea because you then want to input the text concerned as part of a
form submission, do not assume that making it readonly will prevent the
form being submitted with altered text, and it's absolutely imperative
that your security model doesn't rely on such an assumption - marking a
form element readonly does not guarantee that the content will be
returned unaltered when the form is submitted - if you want to guarantee
that data is persistent across a session, keep it server side in the
session data, don't pass it to the client. Doing so is a huge security
mistake - the client can alter anything you send to them regardless of
settings you send along with the form by using client side tools to alter
element attributes and content, including readonly, hidden and disabled
elements, and any combinations of those settings.
[1] replace "print();" and "+" with the relevant output and string
concatenation operators for the relevant server side application