Water Cooler v2
I'm a web newbie so be gentle.
Should I make this static/shared and put it in Glabal.asax or should I
make it an instance method? Since it does not have constant parameters,
is it thread-safe to make it a static/shared method, given that this is
a web application?
Public Function GetFullName(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName
As String) As String
If FirstName.Trim = vbNullString Then Return LastName.Trim
Return FirstName.Trim & IIf(LastName.Trim = vbNullString,
vbNullString, Space(1) & LastName.Trim)
End Function
Should I make this static/shared and put it in Glabal.asax or should I
make it an instance method? Since it does not have constant parameters,
is it thread-safe to make it a static/shared method, given that this is
a web application?
Public Function GetFullName(ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName
As String) As String
If FirstName.Trim = vbNullString Then Return LastName.Trim
Return FirstName.Trim & IIf(LastName.Trim = vbNullString,
vbNullString, Space(1) & LastName.Trim)
End Function