my %h = (roach=>'raid',slut=>'fun');
my @a = qw(roach slut);
print "YEA!!" if @h{@a} == @a
Since @a is a list and evals to 2 in scalar context...
and @h{@a} returns a list, but this list doesnt go scalar.
What I was trying to do is see if all the keys in a array
exist (not in the 'exists()' scence) in a hash. Of course there are
alot of ways to do this, but i figured this method would work. Any of
you perl thugs have any ideas?
my @a = qw(roach slut);
print "YEA!!" if @h{@a} == @a
Since @a is a list and evals to 2 in scalar context...
and @h{@a} returns a list, but this list doesnt go scalar.
What I was trying to do is see if all the keys in a array
exist (not in the 'exists()' scence) in a hash. Of course there are
alot of ways to do this, but i figured this method would work. Any of
you perl thugs have any ideas?