Simple C++ HTTP+XML server


Full Decent

I want to write a simple C++ backend to a website so I can use
XMLHTTPRequest. The server is stateful and cannot be cgi. Is there a
simple C++ framework to handle the HTTP communications? I had looked
into XML-RPC but I'm not sure if that's the way to go.

Nick Kew

Full said:
I want to write a simple C++ backend to a website so I can use
XMLHTTPRequest. The server is stateful and cannot be cgi. Is there a
simple C++ framework to handle the HTTP communications?

Why not use Apache and develop your backend as a module?
Save yourself reinventing the wheel of an HTTP server.

Full Decent

The issue is that the backend takes a long time to load and therefore
cannot be loaded each call. Is this possible with an Apache module?

Malcolm Dew-Jones

Full Decent ([email protected]) wrote:
: The issue is that the backend takes a long time to load and therefore
: cannot be loaded each call. Is this possible with an Apache module?

Without being an expert of writing Apache modules, I can only say "sure, I
think that's how they all work".

mod_perl would be an example. I don't use it much, but I understand that
pre-loading perl components, and also sharing items from one request to
the next by remaining in memory, are exactly the sort of reason people use

Nick Kew

Full said:
The issue is that the backend takes a long time to load and therefore
cannot be loaded each call. Is this possible with an Apache module?

Of course! That's bog-standard in the architecture commonly known as
LAMP. Since Apache 2.0 (the stable release since 2002) you can do a
good deal better than just that. There's a (sadly outdated) article
at explaining how.

For better, up-to-date info, see Chapter 7 of my forthcoming book,
and come to our tutorial at ApacheCon ( ).

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