Elias Salomão Helou Neto wrote:
:: But assignment has the additional problem of dealing with the old
:: value.
: As I see, copy on write with reference counting for the data is the
: only reason for "the additional problem of dealing with the old
: value" you mention (even though your wording is awful).
This has nothing to with reference counting. The problem with
assignment is that the string assigned to already has a value. What
are we going to do with that? How long does that take?
(and I'm not trying to win a litterature prize)
: If so, why would not it hold as well for copying? Think about it!
: Copying may be done on write, allright, but why could not
: assignement do exactly the same, i.e. copy on write with reference
: counting for the data? If it is done so, when a temporary argument
: is passed for either the copy constructor or the assignement
: operator, actual copying of the data would never take place.
::: But the real point here is that you were using something like str
::: = someFunction() instead of someFunction( str ). Do you see?
:: No, I don't!
:: We have a perfectly good and idiomatic piece of code in section 2.
:: It is simple, easy to read, and actualy runs faster. What more
:: could we ask??
: I ask to compare it to what it should be compared to, not to an
: oversimplified version. I mean that str( someFunction() ) is not to
: be benchmarked against str = someFunction() when optimization is
: turned on because, in the former, temporaries are rather easy to be
: eliminated, while in the second no!
I don't get this one.
:: In section 1, the programmer tries some kind of premature
:: optimzation which just complicates the code. That he also gets
:: worse run-time performance, is well deserved!
: Is it well deserved to receive a performance penalty solely for
: deviating from an idiom? Now, an affirmative answer to this would be
: dumb!
Trying to outsmart the compiler, and getting slower code is well
deserved IMO.
::: Also, in normal cases, optimizations may not be as simple as they
::: are with std::string, which is under the compiler control (in
::: fact, the implementation of std::string should be near optimal
::: without any compiler optimization anyway). Within user-defined
::: classes, copy construction may execute startup code that will be
::: cleaned up upon destruction, which would not happen with
::: assignement operations, so the construction/destruction cycle
::: within a loop should best be avoided in most cases when it is not
::: needed, unless assignement is specially poorly implemented. In
::: such cases, however, it would be better to reimplement the
::: assignement properly. That is the reason my advice is to place
::: constructors outside the loop, though exceptions to the rule may
::: exist (yours doesn't seem to be one) AND to refrain from
::: returning large objects by value, wich would avoid the creation
::: of temporaries.
:: The fact is that std::string has no overhead in its copy
:: constructor, all it does is store a copy of the other string.
: I cannot figure out what you are meaning. Should not every copy-
: constructed object store a copy of the copied object? I guess you
: wanted to mean that they share data (copy on write).
No, I mean that constructing a string object from scratch can be
faster than destroying the old value, and then copying the new one.
Bo Persson