This is a little commandline tool I wrote to help myself read the
posts in this group. It fetches the thread urls with the latest posts
and opens them in firefox. I use this from cygwin command prompt in my
windows machine. I hope someone else will be interested enough to
enhance it.
Why did I create it: I use a feed reader too to read the posts of the
groups i subscribed from google groups. I click on the the links on
summary/description of each post in my reader. Then I reach the page
with only one post, then I click on another link to reach to the
thread. I find do that fewtimes everyday really painful.
example useage:
browse.pl perl.beginners
browse.pl comp.unix.shell
(comp.lang.perl.misc is the default group)
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $browser_path = '/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Mozilla\ Firefox/
firefox.exe ';
my $group_name = 'comp.lang.perl.misc'; # default group. it will be
used if you don't provide one as parameter
$group_name = $ARGV[0] if @ARGV; # user specified group, from
commandline parameter
my $url = 'http://groups.google.com/group/'.$group_name.'/topics?
my $limit = 10; # limit number of posts to open
print "Group: [$group_name]\n";
my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new();
print "Getting $limit links of threads...\n";
my $html = $m->content();
#print $html;
my @links = ($html =~ m{<td><a href="(/group/$group_name/browse_thread/
if (@links) {
@links = map {'http://groups.google.com' . $_} @links;
my @links_limited = splice @links, 0, $limit;
my $url_string = sprintf (qq/"%s"/, join q/" "/, @links_limited);
#print $url_string."\n";
print "Opening browser...\n";
system ($browser_path . $url_string . ' &');
print "oooops! could not load main page\n";
exit 0;
So, anyone interested to enhance it?
posts in this group. It fetches the thread urls with the latest posts
and opens them in firefox. I use this from cygwin command prompt in my
windows machine. I hope someone else will be interested enough to
enhance it.
Why did I create it: I use a feed reader too to read the posts of the
groups i subscribed from google groups. I click on the the links on
summary/description of each post in my reader. Then I reach the page
with only one post, then I click on another link to reach to the
thread. I find do that fewtimes everyday really painful.
example useage:
browse.pl perl.beginners
browse.pl comp.unix.shell
(comp.lang.perl.misc is the default group)
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $browser_path = '/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Mozilla\ Firefox/
firefox.exe ';
my $group_name = 'comp.lang.perl.misc'; # default group. it will be
used if you don't provide one as parameter
$group_name = $ARGV[0] if @ARGV; # user specified group, from
commandline parameter
my $url = 'http://groups.google.com/group/'.$group_name.'/topics?
my $limit = 10; # limit number of posts to open
print "Group: [$group_name]\n";
my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new();
print "Getting $limit links of threads...\n";
my $html = $m->content();
#print $html;
my @links = ($html =~ m{<td><a href="(/group/$group_name/browse_thread/
if (@links) {
@links = map {'http://groups.google.com' . $_} @links;
my @links_limited = splice @links, 0, $limit;
my $url_string = sprintf (qq/"%s"/, join q/" "/, @links_limited);
#print $url_string."\n";
print "Opening browser...\n";
system ($browser_path . $url_string . ' &');
print "oooops! could not load main page\n";
exit 0;
So, anyone interested to enhance it?