simple programming q



I am a ruby newbie. I want to make a simple script that replaces certain
characters in a block of text with specific other characters.

I am wondering what kind of loop or algo is thought to be most effective
for this kind of work..
Maybe go through the block of text with a hashing table and replace
each 'hit'? Would this be reasonable approach?

#example pseudocode idea
blokoftxt = 'Theres some text in block.'
replacekey = { 'T' = 'W', 'a' = 'o', 'o' = 'a' }

blokoftxt.each ( if equal to a replacekey, replace with key value )

This would mean going through each character in the textblock. I guess one
could conversely go through the replacekey array and match to the
textblock?? Which way to go?

J Von Rubiginner

Bill Guindon

I am a ruby newbie. I want to make a simple script that replaces certain
characters in a block of text with specific other characters.

I am wondering what kind of loop or algo is thought to be most effective
for this kind of work..
Maybe go through the block of text with a hashing table and replace
each 'hit'? Would this be reasonable approach?

#example pseudocode idea
blokoftxt =3D 'Theres some text in block.'
replacekey =3D { 'T' =3D 'W', 'a' =3D 'o', 'o' =3D 'a' }

blokoftxt.each ( if equal to a replacekey, replace with key value )

Here's a simple answer, using a regular expression.

blokoftxt =3D 'Theres some text in block.'
replacekey =3D { 'T' =3D> 'W', 'a' =3D> 'o', 'o' =3D> 'b' }
replacekey.each {|key, val| blokoftxt.gsub!(/#{key}/, val)}

Eric Hodel

I am a ruby newbie. I want to make a simple script that replaces
characters in a block of text with specific other characters.

I am wondering what kind of loop or algo is thought to be most
for this kind of work..
Maybe go through the block of text with a hashing table and replace
each 'hit'? Would this be reasonable approach?

#example pseudocode idea
blokoftxt = 'Theres some text in block.'
replacekey = { 'T' = 'W', 'a' = 'o', 'o' = 'a' }

blokoftxt.each ( if equal to a replacekey, replace with key value ) 'Tao', 'Woa'


Haha! That's awesome. (sorry, I'm easily amused)


Yes indeed! Hehe I guess I am easily amused, too!

Thats pretty much the solution I was looking for, even if I was expecting
replies from Knuths books. Thanks Eric!

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