simple regular expression



Which is the simplest way to know if a $var start and finish with the
same character?


John said:
$var =~ /\A(.).*\1\z/s;

Ok, but I don't understand. I need to learn more about regular exp.
I suppose that the answer would be possible, comparing first and last
with ^ and $.

John W. Krahn

Olaf said:
$var=<STDIN>; chomp($var); if (($var =~ /^./) = ($var =~ /.$/ )) {}

$ perl -ce'$var=<STDIN>; chomp($var); if (($var =~ /^./) = ($var =~ /.$/ )) {}'
Can't modify pattern match (m//) in list assignment at -e line 1, near ")) "
-e had compilation errors.

Perhaps you meant:

if ( substr( $var, -1 ) eq substr( $var, 0, 1 ) ) {}



Olaf schreef:
John W. Krahn:
[head eq tail]
$var =~ /\A(.).*\1\z/s;

Ok, but I don't understand. I need to learn more about regular exp.
I suppose that the answer would be possible, comparing first and last
with ^ and $.

Read perlretut and perlre.
Hint-1: If your $var can contain newlines, you need to use "\A" in stead
of "^".
Hint-2: See the s-modifier.

Alternative, using "^" and "$" anchors:

$c = qr/.|\n/ ;
$var =~ /^($c)$c*\1$/ ;

Alternative for $c:

$c = qr/./s ;

Mirco Wahab

Olaf said:
$var=<STDIN>; chomp($var); if (($var =~ /^./) = ($var =~ /.$/ )) {}

The closest thing to your trial would be
probably sth. like this (as others have already said):

chomp( my $var=<STDIN> );

if( $var =~ /^(.).*?\1$/ ) {
print "thats it\n"
else {
print "nope\n"

JWK already posted a more general solution
with "\A ... \z" as the string boundaries, you
can - in many cases (find out wich) use the "^...$"
notation that you tried to apply above.

What you really search after is therefore:

^(.) ==> start of line with one character following
==> capture this charachter as #1
..*? ==> find any (0 or more) characters until (?)
\1 ==> ... the first captured character shows up
$ ==> directly followed by a 'line end'

You could also find a solution (besides the substr thing)
by stating

chomp( my $var=<STDIN> );
print map{ $_->[0] eq $_->[-1] ? 'same':'differ'} [split '', $var];



John W. Krahn

Dr.Ruud said:
Olaf schreef:
John W. Krahn:
[head eq tail]
$var =~ /\A(.).*\1\z/s;
Ok, but I don't understand. I need to learn more about regular exp.
I suppose that the answer would be possible, comparing first and last
with ^ and $.

Read perlretut and perlre.
Hint-1: If your $var can contain newlines, you need to use "\A" in stead
of "^".

Without the /m modifier \A and ^ are exactly the same.



John W. Krahn schreef:
John W. Krahn:
[head eq tail]
$var =~ /\A(.).*\1\z/s;

Ok, but I don't understand. I need to learn more about regular exp.
I suppose that the answer would be possible, comparing first and
last with ^ and $.

Read perlretut and perlre.
Hint-1: If your $var can contain newlines, you need to use "\A" in
stead of "^".

Without the /m modifier \A and ^ are exactly the same.

Aaargh, thanks for the correction.

The /s modifier makes "." also match a newline.
The /m modifier makes "^"/"$" match start/end of any embedded line.

Arved Sandstrom

Abigail said:
John W. Krahn ([email protected]) wrote on MMMMDCCCXVI September
MCMXCIII in <URL:`` Olaf wrote:
`` > Which is the simplest way to know if a $var start and finish with the
`` > same character?
`` $var =~ /\A(.).*\1\z/s;

That would not match if $var equals "a". Which, IMO, starts and finishes
with the same character.

If you were going to do this with a regexp, I'd use:

$var =~ /^(?=(.)).*\1\z/s;

But I'd rather do:

length ($var) && substr ($var, 0, 1) eq substr ($var, -1, 1);

I also would rather do the latter. It is faster (by about a factor of two on
my machine). But more importantly, it's simply more clear than the RE. Not
by much - it's a simple RE - but clearer nevertheless.

There's a time and a place for regular expressions. But the string functions
exist for a reason and sometimes they're better.


Ted Zlatanov

There's a time and a place for regular expressions. But the string
functions exist for a reason and sometimes they're better.

Are there any cases (within the scope of intended usage--fixed offsets
and search strings) that index, length, and substr are slower than
regular expressions? I don't know of any, and I'm curious.


Uri Guttman

TZ> Are there any cases (within the scope of intended usage--fixed
TZ> offsets and search strings) that index, length, and substr are
TZ> slower than regular expressions? I don't know of any, and I'm
TZ> curious.

in general any single call to the simpler string funcs should be faster
than an equivilent regex call. i agree it would be hard to show a
concrete example that contradicts that and i bet if one does exist it
will be a very degenerate example. but combining several simple string
calls in an expression could very well be slower than the equivilent
regex. the rule of thumb (and perl is very thumbish :) is that the more
perl code you run the slower vs the more c (perl guts) you run the
faster. but that rule can quickly be broken by the classic s/^\s+|\s+$/g
being slower than that split into two s/// calls.


Peter J. Holzer

Are there any cases (within the scope of intended usage--fixed offsets
and search strings) that index, length, and substr are slower than
regular expressions? I don't know of any, and I'm curious.

Note that he wrote "better", not "faster". "Better" in code is usually a
mixture of several aspects and readability and maintainability are often
considered more important than performance.


Ted Zlatanov

Note that he wrote "better", not "faster". "Better" in code is usually a
mixture of several aspects and readability and maintainability are often
considered more important than performance.

I think speed is the only aspect of code that everyone can agree on.


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