On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Useko Netsumi wrote:
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 19:25:27 -0500
From: Useko Netsumi <
[email protected]>
Reply-To: (e-mail address removed)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.ruby
Subject: Re: Simple Ruby DB apps/programs ...
Carl Youngblood wrote:
Useko Netsumi wrote:
I was wondering if there are some example of small Ruby(1.8.1)
Database Apps/Programs. Preferably using Relational Database such as
MySQL(4 or 5) or Oracle.
I'd love to see some example of storing name(first,last),
address(addr1,addr2,city,zip),phone(home,work,mobile), and a photo image.
It took me a while to write it in PHP but perhaps I can do it in Ruby
more cleanly while learning this great language.
My favorite DBMS for small client apps is sqlite. No other DB comes
close to it in terms of convenience and speed, as long as you're not
running a distributed type of an application with hundreds of clients
accessing the database at once. There is no need for a database server
at all. All necessary code for accessing the database is compiled in,
and databases are just plain old files. And it is ACID-compliant. Check
out this ruby extension for it here:
Thanks to all.
Perhaps y'all can give me some advice. My apps are running a web photo
apps with mutiple tables in the database. I do not store the image in
the DB but just the /image/file/path and other textual information such
as location, date, time, who took the pictures, and comment fields.
User(s) can only browse, search, and list the information for now. And,
I do not expect more than 20 users accessing it at any given time. Will
it work with SQLITE? Or do I need MySQL or more advanced(more expensive)
RDBMS to handle those tasks.
i use pstore for alot of web stuff - it works fine:
~/eg/ruby > cat photo.rb
require 'pstore'
class DB
def initialize path = 'photo.db'
@pstore = PStore.new path
def []= name, record
address, phone = record
@pstore.transaction do
@pstore[name] = [address, phone]
def [] name
@pstore.transaction(read_only = true){ @pstore[name] }
def each(&block)
@pstore.transaction do
@pstore.roots.each{|name| block.call(name, @pstore[name])}
def << record
first,last,addr1,addr2,city,zip,home,work,mobile = record
name = Name[first, last]
address = Address[addr1,addr2,city,zip]
phone = Phone[home,work,mobile]
self[name] = [address, phone]
Name = Struct.new "Name", :first, :last
Address = Struct.new "Address", :addr1, :addr2, :city, :zip
Phone = Struct.new "Phone", :home, :work, :mobile
[Name, Address, Phone].each{|c| class << c; alias [] new; end}
if $0 == __FILE__
db = DB.new
records = [
%w(john doe foo bar boulder 80304 1 2 3),
%w(jane doe bar foo boulder 80305 3 2 1),
records.each{|record| db << record}
john = DB::Name['john', 'doe']
jane = DB::Name['jane', 'doe']
db.each do |name, address, phone|
printf "name: %s\naddress: %s\nphone: %s\n\n",
name.inspect, address.inspect, phone.inspect
p db[john]
p db[jane]
~/eg/ruby > ruby photo.rb
name: #<struct Struct::Name first="john", last="doe">
address: [#<struct Struct::Address addr1="foo", addr2="bar",