Im relativly new to VHDL but im learning by tinkering on a Digilent
Spartan 3 board, so far i've been progressing reasonably well
considering im teaching my self , but i've come unstuck with the
"when" statement.
The error I reciever is - Line 29. parse error, unexpected WHEN,
expecting SEMICOLON
But I can't see whats wrong with it, I've been reading The VHDL
cookbook and all the examples in this book and other resources seems to
suggest im synatically (spelt correctly?) correct.
My code is below if anyone would care to tell me whats incorrect with
it, its supposeed to just change the value on a seven segment display
at a clock pulse - im not interested if my numbers will count up
incorrectly and I know that the clock pulse will probably be to fast,
but i'd like to figure this out for myself at a later date.
Your Gratefully
library IEEE;
entity clocks is
Port ( CLK : in std_logic;
SEG : out bit_vector (6 downto 0)
end clocks;
architecture Behavioral of clocks is
variable temp: integer:=0;
if CLK = '1' and CLK'event then
temp := temp + 1;
if temp >= 10 then
temp := 0;
end if;
SEG <= "0110000" when temp = 1 else --line29
"1111001" when temp = 2 else
"0110011" when temp = 3 else
"0110011" when temp = 4 else
"1011011" when temp = 5 else
"1011111" when temp = 6 else
"1110000" when temp = 7 else
"1111111" when temp = 8 else
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Im relativly new to VHDL but im learning by tinkering on a Digilent
Spartan 3 board, so far i've been progressing reasonably well
considering im teaching my self , but i've come unstuck with the
"when" statement.
The error I reciever is - Line 29. parse error, unexpected WHEN,
expecting SEMICOLON
But I can't see whats wrong with it, I've been reading The VHDL
cookbook and all the examples in this book and other resources seems to
suggest im synatically (spelt correctly?) correct.
My code is below if anyone would care to tell me whats incorrect with
it, its supposeed to just change the value on a seven segment display
at a clock pulse - im not interested if my numbers will count up
incorrectly and I know that the clock pulse will probably be to fast,
but i'd like to figure this out for myself at a later date.
Your Gratefully
library IEEE;
entity clocks is
Port ( CLK : in std_logic;
SEG : out bit_vector (6 downto 0)
end clocks;
architecture Behavioral of clocks is
variable temp: integer:=0;
if CLK = '1' and CLK'event then
temp := temp + 1;
if temp >= 10 then
temp := 0;
end if;
SEG <= "0110000" when temp = 1 else --line29
"1111001" when temp = 2 else
"0110011" when temp = 3 else
"0110011" when temp = 4 else
"1011011" when temp = 5 else
"1011111" when temp = 6 else
"1110000" when temp = 7 else
"1111111" when temp = 8 else
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;