I need a program that simultaneously can copy a single file (1
GB) from my pc to multiple USB-harddrives.
Sounds like a pretty simple simple python script:
#!/bin/env python
def spew(source_file_name,
block_size = 8*1024):
source = file(source_file_name, "rb")
output_files = [file(s, "wb") for s in output_file_names]
s = source.read(block_size)
while s:
for outfile in output_files:
s = source.read(block_size)
for outfile in output_files:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv
if len(argv) > 2:
spew(argv[1], argv[2:])
else: #print some usage/help
print "%s source_file dest_file1 [dest_file2 [dest_file3
[...]]]" % argv[0]
Just call it with
bash> cd /mnt
bash> python spew.py file1.txt usb1/file1.txt usb2/file2.txt
for as many destinations as you want. Adjust the blocksize as
you see fit:
spew(argv[1], argv[2:], 1024*1024)
or whatever your favorite blocksize is.
It's not terribly graceful about error-checking, or prompting if
any of the files exist previously, or if it can't write to any of
the output files because for any reason (full disk,
write-protected disk, destination path doesn't exist, etc).
Thus, if there's a problem, you'll get a pretty backtrace that
will allow you to solve all your problems