C language has no template, namespace, :: and function overloading
things. Even you can't find any word same as "template", "namespace" or
"overload" in the standard document.
If you hadn't stopped reading there, and had been willing and able to
engage your brain while continuing to read, you would probably have
realized that I was aware of that.
(It also subtly fails to meet RH's spec, while providing enough
information to allow the OP to write (non-function) code to meet his
original spec without doing his homework for him. Which, really, is
all anybody could ask for in a homework thread.)
(procrastinating doing homework of my own)
Dave Vandervies (e-mail address removed)
Yup. Now, how does one fit this into a four-line .sig?
"People are stupid."
--Arvid Grotting and Mike Sphar in the Scary Devil Monastery