This is a slightly convoluted question, but maybe it is obvious..
I'd like to search a set of xml documents and get the element name and
its id attribute of everything that does not have a <dlg> ancestor.
The hard part for me is I want to skip all documents if they have
<client> elements with less than two <majortab> descendent elements.
So basically I would like to exclude some of the documents from the
results based on their content.. for example the query would skip xml
file 1 below, but include xml file 2:
xml file 1
<big picture>
<majortab ... />
<majortab .../>
</big picture>
xml file 2
<big picture>
<majortab .../>
</big picture>
So If I wanted to find element in every file (above just xml file 2)
that had an attribute called "select", I'd do something like this
(except this doesn't fly):
for $doc in collection('c:\myxmldir')
for $b in $doc //clientarea[count(child::tab) > 1]
for $a in $b //*[@select]
This is a slightly convoluted question, but maybe it is obvious..
I'd like to search a set of xml documents and get the element name and
its id attribute of everything that does not have a <dlg> ancestor.
The hard part for me is I want to skip all documents if they have
<client> elements with less than two <majortab> descendent elements.
So basically I would like to exclude some of the documents from the
results based on their content.. for example the query would skip xml
file 1 below, but include xml file 2:
xml file 1
<big picture>
<majortab ... />
<majortab .../>
</big picture>
xml file 2
<big picture>
<majortab .../>
</big picture>
So If I wanted to find element in every file (above just xml file 2)
that had an attribute called "select", I'd do something like this
(except this doesn't fly):
for $doc in collection('c:\myxmldir')
for $b in $doc //clientarea[count(child::tab) > 1]
for $a in $b //*[@select]