Anybody here code ruby on cell size devices? Can you tell me how it feels
different from desktop? Wuts the bestest gadget in your opinion?
I must admit that mobile conn with ssh tunnel sounds "pretty sweet".
Not sure if qwerty is even usable in small size. Maybe 5-key keyboard is
better? But will it jeopardize the 'tiny'? Wearable sounds too large
Availability is a big prob over here in northern euroland. Stuff they
have in Japan or North America just isnt here.
Newest mobile devices are not in my budget 'sweet spot'. Hot devices like
HTC TyTN II P4550 or Nokia N61 or 770 just are not gonna last long enough
to warrant a +200 euro price. N61 and n70 look pretty nice on the size/
keyb ratio, tho.
I was hoping to find a cell phone size ruby-enabled device for around 100
euros. To code tiny ruby code bits offline, ya see? "Smartphoine"
1. If you can actually use the keyboard and command line on a Zaurus,
nunna those here, and lol no I dont think I know anyone from Japan atm
2. An ASUS Eee will do it, if you can find one. I think everyone who
3. It isn't natively installed, but you can install and run Ruby on one
of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) laptop computers. Until December 31,
Too big!!! lol sadly I cannot participate from euroland.
But all ye North American Industrialists and Well Heel'd Ruby Miners will
hopefully give a one pair of kids a laptop..
"RichFatNorthAmerican".each do |help|
if ($doingNext = nil || $doingNext = "SurfingForPr0n")
$donation = false
help << $doingNext.replace("Help End Poverty!")
#Disclaimer: Seems like a nice deal. In reality I have no idea whut it is!
#do stuff
if $donation == true
$doingNext.gsub!("Help", "Aww, relax mang! You already did Help")
$doingNext << " Check out "
puts $doingNext