Smallest device to code ruby on?


Casimir P

Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

Dane Jensen

There is a ruby package for the iphone and iPod touch. I don't think
you'll find a smaller device to run it. Of course, it doesn't have a
true qwerty keyboard, so that might be a turnoff. On the other hand,
if you were looking for an excuse to get one or the other....

I haven't had a chance to give it a try yet though. Has anyone else
tried it?

Hopefully when the dev kit comes out Apple will release an official


Michael T. Richter

Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

The Nokia N800 has had Ruby ported to it, complete with UI bindings.


Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

I've been working on getting Ruby integrated with the open source development
platform Maemo, which is used by Nokia in their "Internet Tablet" range. I'd
seriously suggest you look into the Nokia 770, which is super cheap now. Also,
the Nokia N800 and N810's are sweet. Though more expensive.


Casimir P said...
Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

I run Ruby on my Symbian S60/3 mobile - a Nokia E61, as it happens.

It'd be even better with a JRuby JVM. Maybe Android will go that way.
And if Google are hiring... :)

Joel VanderWerf

Casimir said:
Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

There's not many devices smaller than gumstix. They are cheap, too. I've
used ruby on them for some wireless network experiments. But you will
have to attach a console over a serial cable or log in by ssh over ethernet.

Giles Bowkett

There's not many devices smaller than gumstix. They are cheap, too. I've
used ruby on them for some wireless network experiments. But you will
have to attach a console over a serial cable or log in by ssh over ethernet.

I think Ed Borasky got Rails running on a Gumstix at one point. Don't
quote me on that, though. There was a thread about Gumstix a while

Giles Bowkett


Casimir P

Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

Thanks for all the replies. 8) You have given me a lot to look into. Not
sure if any of these was really what I was looking for. Maübe.

Oh btw I didn't mean to actually compile ruby. Usually it is interpreted
(yeah I know that technically one can compile ruby, too).

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Giles said:
I think Ed Borasky got Rails running on a Gumstix at one point. Don't
quote me on that, though. There was a thread about Gumstix a while

I got Ruby running on a gumstix but not Rails. Which reminds me, my
annual holiday hackfest is coming up and I need something to do -- like
get Ruby 1.9 running on a gumstix.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Casimir said:
Whats the smallest gadget you can code (and compile) ruby on?

I am looking for something that could be used in the bus.. But is
hopefully inexpensive and very small. OF course it should have qwerty or
dvorak or similar input sys.

Well ...

1. If you can actually use the keyboard and command line on a Zaurus, it
will run Ruby. If you have friends in Japan, you might be able to get a
clamshell-style Zaurus from one of them, and they are a lot easier to use.

2. An ASUS Eee will do it, if you can find one. I think everyone who
actually had any for sale is sold out, but by mid-January there may be
some new supply.

3. It isn't natively installed, but you can install and run Ruby on one
of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) laptop computers. Until December 31,
if you're in the US or Canada, you can give one and get one.

Casimir P

Anybody here code ruby on cell size devices? Can you tell me how it feels
different from desktop? Wuts the bestest gadget in your opinion?

I must admit that mobile conn with ssh tunnel sounds "pretty sweet".

Not sure if qwerty is even usable in small size. Maybe 5-key keyboard is
better? But will it jeopardize the 'tiny'? Wearable sounds too large

Availability is a big prob over here in northern euroland. Stuff they
have in Japan or North America just isnt here.

Newest mobile devices are not in my budget 'sweet spot'. Hot devices like
HTC TyTN II P4550 or Nokia N61 or 770 just are not gonna last long enough
to warrant a +200 euro price. N61 and n70 look pretty nice on the size/
keyb ratio, tho.

I was hoping to find a cell phone size ruby-enabled device for around 100
euros. To code tiny ruby code bits offline, ya see? "Smartphoine"

Casimir P wrote:
1. If you can actually use the keyboard and command line on a Zaurus,

nunna those here, and lol no I dont think I know anyone from Japan atm
2. An ASUS Eee will do it, if you can find one. I think everyone who

3. It isn't natively installed, but you can install and run Ruby on one
of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) laptop computers. Until December 31,

Too big!!! lol sadly I cannot participate from euroland.

But all ye North American Industrialists and Well Heel'd Ruby Miners will
hopefully give a one pair of kids a laptop..

"RichFatNorthAmerican".each do |help|
if ($doingNext = nil || $doingNext = "SurfingForPr0n")
$donation = false
help << $doingNext.replace("Help End Poverty!")
#Disclaimer: Seems like a nice deal. In reality I have no idea whut it is!
#do stuff
if $donation == true
$doingNext.gsub!("Help", "Aww, relax mang! You already did Help")
$doingNext << " Check out "
puts $doingNext

Giles Bowkett

"RichFatNorthAmerican".each do |help|
if ($doingNext = nil || $doingNext = "SurfingForPr0n")
$donation = false
help << $doingNext.replace("Help End Poverty!")
#Disclaimer: Seems like a nice deal. In reality I have no idea whut it is!
#do stuff
if $donation == true
$doingNext.gsub!("Help", "Aww, relax mang! You already did Help")
$doingNext << " Check out "
puts $doingNext

woah there, sparky! this ain't perl!

I think Gumstix is your best bet. No input device but you can hook up
any kind of itty-bitty keyboard with USB.

Giles Bowkett


Casimir P


It was optimized for readibility, not syntax rules.

woah there, sparky! this ain't perl!

Ok big shot! All bark and no bite. Lets see your best moves! Words are
cheap! You aint got nothing on me...

Clifford Heath

Giles said:
I think Gumstix is your best bet. No input device but you can hook up
any kind of itty-bitty keyboard with USB.

Or Bluetooth, if you buy that version. Or just ssh to it using
wireless ethernet from a different box. Very cool little tool.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Casimir said:
But all ye North American Industrialists and Well Heel'd Ruby Miners will
hopefully give a one pair of kids a laptop..

"RichFatNorthAmerican".each do |help|
if ($doingNext = nil || $doingNext = "SurfingForPr0n")
$donation = false
help << $doingNext.replace("Help End Poverty!")
#Disclaimer: Seems like a nice deal. In reality I have no idea whut it is!
#do stuff
if $donation == true
$doingNext.gsub!("Help", "Aww, relax mang! You already did Help")
$doingNext << " Check out "
puts $doingNext

OK ... now I have to port LOLCODE to the XO. :)


Giles Bowkett kirjoitti:
Actually I meant the $ everywhere. That's for globals only. Bad thing.
Ya I kno. But if it wuzn't globals then it wuld "disappear" once the
block ends and then it all wouldn't work.. You DID try to run that, right?

BTW. You still all big on words and no show, no bite. Lets see you code
that better and maybe then I can admit you may have a point.. Or are you
chicken? :p


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