I have an ASP page which was working fine and broke all of a sudden. It uses
SMTPMail to send out email, here is some code snippet:
mailObj.From = EmailFrom
mailObj.To = EMailTO
If (Len(Trim(EMailCc)) > 0) Then
mailObj.Cc = EMailCc
End If
mailObj.Subject = EmailSubject
mailObj.Body = EMailBody
mailObj.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html
SmtpMail.Send(mailObj) 'Right now it always fails on this line.
The error message I got is:
External component has thrown an exception
I checked SmtpServer, It's working fine. I suspect there is something with
SMTP component installed in that machine, but I don't know how to reinstall
the component. Or is there anything else I should pay attention to ?
I have an ASP page which was working fine and broke all of a sudden. It uses
SMTPMail to send out email, here is some code snippet:
mailObj.From = EmailFrom
mailObj.To = EMailTO
If (Len(Trim(EMailCc)) > 0) Then
mailObj.Cc = EMailCc
End If
mailObj.Subject = EmailSubject
mailObj.Body = EMailBody
mailObj.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html
SmtpMail.Send(mailObj) 'Right now it always fails on this line.
The error message I got is:
External component has thrown an exception
I checked SmtpServer, It's working fine. I suspect there is something with
SMTP component installed in that machine, but I don't know how to reinstall
the component. Or is there anything else I should pay attention to ?