J. Gleixner
I'm trying to find "the" method, using SOAP::Lite or SOAP::Schema,
to get a WSDL that requires HTTP authentication.
The only way I've been able to get a WSDL that requires basic
authentication is by over-riding the SOAP::Schema::access method:
use SOAP::Lite;
my $login = 'mylogin';
my $pw = 'mypassword';
my $service = SOAP::Lite
-> service( 'http://some.server.com/some/protected/path/my.wsdl' );
# over-ride method to handle authentication
sub SOAP::Schema::access
my $self = shift->new;
my $url = shift || $self->schema_url || Carp::croak 'Nothing to
access. URL is not specified';
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
# this is why it's over-ridden
$req->authorization_basic($login, $pw);
my $resp = $self->useragent->request($req);
$resp->is_success ? $resp->content : die "Service description '$url'
can't be loaded: ", $resp->status_line, "\n";
# and get_basic_credentials for the service calls,
# if they require authentication
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials
return $login => $pw;
In the Changelog for SOAP::Lite it shows:
0.65-beta2 Mon Oct 25 2004
+ Added SOAP::Schema->useragent - which returns the LWP::UserAgent
instance that will be used when accessing WSDLs via the
SOAP::Lite->service call. This is helpful when access to a WSDL
requires authentication, etc.
Using S::S->useragent() and the additional LWP methods for
authentication, I can GET the WDSL, however I don't see how that
can be used in SOAP::Schema and by SOAP::Lite without over-riding
the access method. Over-riding it does work, but I'm looking for
how it should be done.
to get a WSDL that requires HTTP authentication.
The only way I've been able to get a WSDL that requires basic
authentication is by over-riding the SOAP::Schema::access method:
use SOAP::Lite;
my $login = 'mylogin';
my $pw = 'mypassword';
my $service = SOAP::Lite
-> service( 'http://some.server.com/some/protected/path/my.wsdl' );
# over-ride method to handle authentication
sub SOAP::Schema::access
my $self = shift->new;
my $url = shift || $self->schema_url || Carp::croak 'Nothing to
access. URL is not specified';
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
# this is why it's over-ridden
$req->authorization_basic($login, $pw);
my $resp = $self->useragent->request($req);
$resp->is_success ? $resp->content : die "Service description '$url'
can't be loaded: ", $resp->status_line, "\n";
# and get_basic_credentials for the service calls,
# if they require authentication
sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials
return $login => $pw;
In the Changelog for SOAP::Lite it shows:
0.65-beta2 Mon Oct 25 2004
+ Added SOAP::Schema->useragent - which returns the LWP::UserAgent
instance that will be used when accessing WSDLs via the
SOAP::Lite->service call. This is helpful when access to a WSDL
requires authentication, etc.
Using S::S->useragent() and the additional LWP methods for
authentication, I can GET the WDSL, however I don't see how that
can be used in SOAP::Schema and by SOAP::Lite without over-riding
the access method. Over-riding it does work, but I'm looking for
how it should be done.