I'm having trouble getting SOAP::Lite "service" method to work properly.
All of the examples I've seen point to wsdl's that are either not found
or just give no response.
Does anyone have a working example of how to make a call with SOAP::Lite
service which uses a working, publicly available SOAP server?
Also, I haven't been impressed with my experience with SOAP::Lite. When I
try to use it on our internal wsdls I get inscrutable errors, where other
language's SOAP support seems to work fine. Is there something else
designed to make SOAP easy to use that I might want to try? (SOAP::WSDL
uses SOAP::Lite under the hood, so I suspect it will have the same problem.
It refuses to install with cpan under a non-privileged user, so I haven't
yet tested it directly. Trying to fix that will be the next step, unless I
get good suggestions here.)
All of the examples I've seen point to wsdl's that are either not found
or just give no response.
Does anyone have a working example of how to make a call with SOAP::Lite
service which uses a working, publicly available SOAP server?
Also, I haven't been impressed with my experience with SOAP::Lite. When I
try to use it on our internal wsdls I get inscrutable errors, where other
language's SOAP support seems to work fine. Is there something else
designed to make SOAP easy to use that I might want to try? (SOAP::WSDL
uses SOAP::Lite under the hood, so I suspect it will have the same problem.
It refuses to install with cpan under a non-privileged user, so I haven't
yet tested it directly. Trying to fix that will be the next step, unless I
get good suggestions here.)