Hi All,
Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
Yes. "C++ How to Program", if memory serves. I'm pretty sure I
haven't read it, but based on previous D&D books, I'd guess it's
fairly reasonable (but not likely a lot better than that).
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Sort of. Herbie the bug lover has written quite a number of books
with "C" and/or "C++" in the title, but his teaching programming is
like a dog teaching how to paint a sunset.
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?
He wrote "Obfuscated C and other Mysteries". IMO, it's a good book,
but it's not even vaguely similar to a tutorial on the language.
someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.
If I had to pick a gem from these three, it would just about have to
be _Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries_. D&D's stuff is mostly mediocre
to fair, and Herbert Schildt's fall in the bad to really awful range.
Where can I find any of these as ebooks?
www.mindview.net. It's NOT any of the above, but it's about the
only place to (legally) download books on programming that are
actually worth the trouble.