Some C/C++ books



Bernard said:
Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel? Yes
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Yes, but it has a bad reputation on this ng
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes? I don't know. Quite probably.

Where can I find any of these as ebooks?
The problem is that these books are in copyright and still generating
revenue for their authors. So you will have to open your treasure chest and
pay the $30 or whatever that is demanded.

Kevin Goodsell

Bernard said:
Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?

Several. These are OK books. Note that they have the same last name,
with the same spelling. If you want to search, you'd better use the
right one. I think it's "Deitel".
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?

Several. They are full of errors and misunderstandings. Avoid them at
all costs.
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?

Don't think I've heard of him.
someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one.

Huh? He saw a gem? I wouldn't buy a programming book based on the
possibility of finding precious stones inside...
I could not find the books, so I ask.

They're hard to miss.
Where can I find any of these as ebooks?

Don't know. You might try checking the publishers' and authors' websites
to see if they were released as ebooks.



Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?

someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.

Where can I find any of these as ebooks?



,--. Bernard Klein, Berlin, Germany ,= ,-_-. =.
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Ioannis Vranos

Bernard said:
Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?

someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.

Where can I find any of these as ebooks?

First you must decide C or C++? Because they are quite different (i suggest
C++). Then check at the book reviews section.

Ioannis Vranos

Keith Thompson

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?

someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.

If you see a book that claims to cover C/C++, run away. There is no
such language. C and C++ are two distinct languages. It's true that
C++ is nearly a superset of C, but well-written C code and
well-written C++ code are very different.

If you see a book by Herbert Schildt, run away even faster. He is by
all accounts an engaging writer, but many of his books are filled with
dangerous misinformation. See, for example,

See also section 18 and the bibliography of the C FAQ at

If you want advice on C++ books, try posting only to comp.lang.c++,
not to comp.lang.c. But first, check the comp.lang.c++ FAQ, which is
likely to provide some good advice. (I haven't checked it myself

Jerry Coffin

Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?

Yes. "C++ How to Program", if memory serves. I'm pretty sure I
haven't read it, but based on previous D&D books, I'd guess it's
fairly reasonable (but not likely a lot better than that).
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?

Sort of. Herbie the bug lover has written quite a number of books
with "C" and/or "C++" in the title, but his teaching programming is
like a dog teaching how to paint a sunset.
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes?

He wrote "Obfuscated C and other Mysteries". IMO, it's a good book,
but it's not even vaguely similar to a tutorial on the language.
someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.

If I had to pick a gem from these three, it would just about have to
be _Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries_. D&D's stuff is mostly mediocre
to fair, and Herbert Schildt's fall in the bad to really awful range.
Where can I find any of these as ebooks?

See It's NOT any of the above, but it's about the
only place to (legally) download books on programming that are
actually worth the trouble.

Jon Bell

[note: I'm posting from comp.lang.c++.]

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?

They have a book on C++ that I don't like. It presents a very
old-fashioned view of C++ that simply tacks the modern C++ standard
library stuff on at the end as an afterthought, when it really should be
taught from the beginning.

I think they have a separate book on C.

I'm pretty sure they don't have a book on "C/C++" because there is no such


Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
This book is basically for beginners.
Is there a book on C/C++ by herbert schildt?
Of course there is! But Herbert Schildt writes only to make a fast buck, and
so the treatment of the topics is sketchy, code examples are trivial and so
Is there a book on C/C++ by Don Libes? Never heard of this one!

someone said he saw a gem in one book and gave me these
three names as one. I could not find the books, so I ask.
Real gems are found in books by likes of authors as Stanley Lippman.

Ahmed S. Badran

Bernard said:
Hi All,

Is there a book on C/C++ by dietel and deitel?
Yes there is, it's called "C++ How to program". I've even compared it to the
"C++ programming language" by Bjarne.. I would say it's far more readible
and usable for the public, considering of course that the "C++ programming
language" is a great book but only for PROs..

Claudio Puviani

Yes there is, it's called "C++ How to program". I've
even compared it to the "C++ programming language"
by Bjarne..

Great scott! That's like comparing Archie comics to Wuthering Heights.
I would say it's far more readible and usable for the public,

If you mean by that that it's dummied down, I agree.
considering of course that the "C++ programming
language" is a great book but only for PROs..

Stroustrup's book is perfectly readable by anyone with a modicum of programming
experience. It's a book that describes the language, not programming. The
Deitel^2 book is an introduction to programming that just incidentally uses
C++, and not very well at that.

Compared to "The C++ Programming Language"! The things you have to read in this

Claudio Puviani

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