2008/3/12 said:
well I dont know where in array i have .txt files but its sure that
there is just one and i want to put it at first place of array...
Try using the #partition method (my last example) then. It gives you
all .txt files at the beginning of the array. I made a mistake
though. There should only be one dot, not two for that (same thing if
you use #select)...
a = ['one.jpg', 'two.txt', 'three.pdf', 'four.txt']
a_new = a.partition {|i| i =~ /\.txt$/}
p a_new
For the fun of it: here's a solution with #inject:
irb(main):009:0> a = ['one.jpg', 'two.txt', 'three.pdf']
=> ["one.jpg", "two.txt", "three.pdf"]
irb(main):010:0> a.inject([[],[]]) {|(tx,ot),x| (/\.txt$/ =~ x ? tx :
ot) << x;[tx,ot]}.flatten
=> ["two.txt", "one.jpg", "three.pdf"]
There's even a version with *two* #injects:
irb(main):011:0> a.inject([[],[]]) {|(tx,ot),x| (/\.txt$/ =~ x ? tx :
ot) << x;[tx,ot]}.inject {|a,b| a.concat b}
=> ["two.txt", "one.jpg", "three.pdf"]
It's been a while so I *had* to do it. Once in a while I need my

Kind regards