osmium said:
Focusing on the sort part of your question.
The best part is, that if you can read the whole thing,
then Bill Gates wants your resume!
Knuth is not light reading.
However, Knuth is substantial to the point where something that
I once heard Pablo Picaso say on television, applies:
"What I have to say is so substantial,
that if you only understand a little bit,
it is enough."
I learned heapsort and Shellsort and quicksort from Knuth.
I think the best way to get
started in this is to look for Java applets on the internet.
I learned mergesort from a Java applet on the internet.
I don't recall where I learned bubblesort and insertionsort.
How to implement bsearch as an O(log(N)) algorithm,
should be obvious,
if you can understand either heapsort or quicksort,
or maybe even if you can't.