

Mr Shore
has any one any idea about this applet?
code as below:
* SourceMap class,
* reads a generic language source code and returns its map.
* ______________________________________________________________
* The SourceMap goals is to create a map of a generic script/program
* The getMap method returns an array/list of arrays/dictionary/
* of source map using delimeters variable to map correctly:
* - multi line comments
* - single line comments
* - double quoted strings
* - single quoted strings
* - pure code
* - everything else (for example regexp [/re/] with javascript),
just adding a correct delimeter
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* What about the delimeter
* It's an array/list of arrays/dictionary/obects with some
properties to find what you're looking for.
* parameters are:
* - name, the name of the delimeter (i.e. "doublequote")
* - start, one or mode chars to find as start delimeter (i.e. " for
double quoted string)
* - end, one or mode chars to find as end delimeter (i.e. " for
double quoted string) [end should be an array/list too]
* optional parameters are:
* - noslash, if true find the end of the delimeter only if last char
is not slashed (i.e. "string\"test" find " after test)
* - match, if choosed language has regexp, verify if string from
start to end matches used regexp (i.e. /^\/[^\n\r]+\/$/ for JavaScript
* If end parameter is an array, match and noslash are not supported
(i.e. ["\n", "\r"] for end delimeter of a single line comment)
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* What about SourceMap usage
* It should be a good solution to create sintax highlighter, parser,
* verifier or some other source code parsing procedure
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* What about SourceMap performance script/languages
* I've created different version of this class to test each script/
program language performance too.
* Python with or without Psyco is actually the faster parser.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* @Compatibility >= JavaScript 1.1
* @Author Andrea Giammarchi
* @Site
* @Date 2006/08/01
* @LastMOd 2006/08/01
* @Version 0.1
function SourceMap() {

* public method
* getMap(source:string, delimeters:array):array
* Maps the source code using $delimeters rules and returns map as an
* NOTE: read comments to know more about map and delimeter
* @param string generic source code
* @param array array with nested objects with code rules
this.getMap = function(source, delimeters) {

// "unsigned integer" variables
var sourcePosition = 0,
delimetersPosition = 0,
findLength = 0,
len = 0,
tempIndex = 0,
sourceLength = source.length,
delimetersLength = delimeters.length;

// integer variables
var tempPosition = -1,
endPosition = -1;

// array variables
var map = [],
tempMap = [];

// object variable
var tempDelimeter = {};

while(sourcePosition < sourceLength) {
endPosition = -1;
for(delimetersPosition = 0; delimetersPosition < delimetersLength;
delimetersPosition++) {
tempPosition =
source.indexOf(delimeters[delimetersPosition].start, sourcePosition);
if(tempPosition !== -1 && (tempPosition < endPosition ||
endPosition === -1)) {
endPosition = tempPosition;
tempIndex = delimetersPosition;
if(endPosition !== -1) {
sourcePosition = endPosition;
tempDelimeter = delimeters[tempIndex];
findLength = tempDelimeter.start.length;
if(tempDelimeter.end.constructor === Array) {
delimetersPosition = 0;
endPosition = -1;
for(len = tempDelimeter.end.length; delimetersPosition < len;
delimetersPosition++) {
tempPosition =
source.indexOf(tempDelimeter.end[delimetersPosition], sourcePosition +
if(tempPosition !== -1 && (tempPosition < endPosition ||
endPosition === -1)) {
endPosition = tempPosition;
tempIndex = delimetersPosition;
if(endPosition !== -1)
endPosition = endPosition + tempDelimeter.end[tempIndex].length;
endPosition = sourceLength;
map.push({, start:sourcePosition,
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1;
else if(tempDelimeter.match) {
tempPosition = source.indexOf(tempDelimeter.end, sourcePosition +
len = tempDelimeter.end.length;
if(tempPosition !== -1 &&
tempDelimeter.match.test(source.substr(sourcePosition, tempPosition -
sourcePosition + len))) {
endPosition = tempDelimeter.noslash ? __endCharNoSlash(source,
sourcePosition, tempDelimeter.end, sourceLength) : tempPosition + len;
map.push({, start:sourcePosition,
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1;
else {
endPosition = __endCharNoSlash(source, sourcePosition,
tempDelimeter.end, sourceLength);
else {
tempPosition = source.indexOf(tempDelimeter.end, sourcePosition
+ findLength);
if(tempPosition !== -1)
endPosition = tempPosition + tempDelimeter.end.length;
endPosition = sourceLength;
map.push({, start:sourcePosition,
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1;
sourcePosition = sourceLength - 1;
len = map.length;
if(len === 0)
tempMap.push({name:'code', start:0, end:sourceLength});
else {
for(tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < len; tempIndex++) {
if(tempIndex === 0 && map[tempIndex].start > 0)
tempMap.push({name:'code', start:0, end:map[tempIndex].start});
else if(tempIndex > 0 && map[tempIndex].start >
tempMap.push({name:'code', start:map[tempIndex-1].end,
start:map[tempIndex].start, end:map[tempIndex].end});
if(tempIndex + 1 === len && map[tempIndex].end < sourceLength)
tempMap.push({name:'code', start:map[tempIndex].end,
return tempMap;

function __endCharNoSlash(source, position, find, len) {
var temp = find.length;
do {
position = source.indexOf(find, position + 1);
}while(position !== -1 && !__charNoSlash(source, position));
if(position === -1) position = len - temp;
return position + temp;

function __charNoSlash(source, position) {
var next = 1,
len = position - next;
while(len > 0 && source.charAt(len) === '\\') len = position - (+
return ((next - 1) % 2 === 0);

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Mr Shore said:
has any one any idea about this applet?

Probably. Can you be more specific?
code as below:

I've read the comments for the source code, and I still have no
idea what the code is supposed to do.

Personally, that's enough to turn me completely off using it for
anything. If the author cannot explain what his code does, it's
likely that he doesn't really understand what he's doing.
Life is too short to understand uncommented, or unsuably commented,


Dr J R Stockton

In comp.lang.javascript message <05775e55-7161-4286-9dab-43a5a5e09d8f@m1>, Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:54:34, Mr Shore
has any one any idea about this applet?

See newsgroup FAQ, 2.3, para 5.


Insert, by hand, not using XML, "a) " before the first paragraph of FAQ
2.3, "b) " before the second, etc.

Before doing that, insert a paragraph break in para 5 before its last

Remove the last "ed" from 2.3.

FAQ 4.20 : the third sentence does not make sense in the context
provided by the first two. Move it to after the MoominBox. Simplify by
inserting Snufkin() in the code box and adjusting the following

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