Speed of data structures in python



Hi. I am learning PyOpenGL and I am working with a largish fixed scene
composed of several thousand GLtriangles. I plan to store the coords and
normals in a NumPy array.

Is this the fastest solution in python? would i be significantly better
off (timewise or otherwise) using some other data structure to hold this
information? no other data structure appears as convenient, but am i
loosing valuable time?

I am new to 3d programming so please feel free to state the obvious,


Steven D'Aprano

Hi. I am learning PyOpenGL and I am working with a largish fixed scene
composed of several thousand GLtriangles. I plan to store the coords and
normals in a NumPy array.

Is this the fastest solution in python? would i be significantly better
off (timewise or otherwise) using some other data structure to hold this
information? no other data structure appears as convenient, but am i
loosing valuable time?

I am new to 3d programming so please feel free to state the obvious,

Optimization without measurement is at best a waste of time and at worst
counter-productive. Why don't you time your code and see if it is fast

See the timeit module, and the profiler.

Terry Hancock

Optimization without measurement is at best a waste of
time and at worst counter-productive. Why don't you time
your code and see if it is fast enough?

See the timeit module, and the profiler.

Talk about knee-jerk reactions. ;-)

It's a *3D animation* module -- of course it's going to be
time-critical. Sheesh. Now *that* is stating the obvious.

The obvious solution is actually a list of tuples. But
it's very possible that that won't be fast enough, so the
NumPy approach may be a significant speedup. I doubt you
need more than that, though.

I think the real question is not going to be how fast your
code handles data, though, but rather how fast you can get
that data into PyOpenGL and back. So the real fastest format
is going to be "whatever PyOpenGL uses" -- so I'd look that

For comparison, SDL uses "surfaces" to store 2D data, so
when programming in PyGame, your first step is to load every
image into a surface. Once there, display to the screen is
very very fast -- but moving from image to surface is
typically slow, no matter how spiffy your image format may
be internally. I suspect something similar applies to

Steven D'Aprano

Talk about knee-jerk reactions. ;-)

Yes, let's.
It's a *3D animation* module -- of course it's going to be
time-critical. Sheesh. Now *that* is stating the obvious.

Did I say it wasn't? I asked if the current solution is fast enough. If
the current solution is fast enough, then why waste time trying to speed
it up? Does the Original Poster think that PCs will get slower in the

The obvious solution is actually a list of tuples.

But that's not the solution being asked about, nor did I suggest it.

it's very possible that that won't be fast enough, so the
NumPy approach may be a significant speedup. I doubt you
need more than that, though.

I didn't argue against the NumPy approach. I suggested that, instead of
*asking* if there was something faster, the O.P. should actually *try it*
and see if it is fast enough.

If you think that is bad advice, please tell us what you consider good


As the OP, i thought i'd follow up with my experience, in case anyone else
is learning pyopengl and as mystified as i was (am?).

Thank you to all the posters who responded, especially the one who
mentioned display lists...

Initially, i had built a very simple prototype, getting 5 fps. This was
very poorly designed though, calculating normals and positions (sqrt, sin,
pow) on the fly.

when i posted the OP, i suspecteded that the biggest improvement would be
achieved by storing the normals and positions in the fastest data

after posting, i implemented numpy arrays to hold normals and positions,
and got 18 fps.

i then increased the complexity of the protoype to the bare-min specs
required, and got 1-2 fps.

i then implemented display lists (opengl stuff), and am now getting 190
fps (on the larger protoype).

so, my point is, the limiting factor had nothing to do with speed of data
structures in python, but the way data was being consumed by opengl (and
my absolute newbieness at opengl ;-)

i hope this helps anyone who is learning similar material


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