I have a hotel managerial software that I wrote in perl-tk that I
would split into 2
- the main part with all base functionalities
- the advanced (and optional) part with advanced functionalities
I'd like the main would import the advanced if present, in that case
the main would
offer all functionalities to the user otherwise just the base ones.
I tried to use the 'do' (and require, actually) without success. I'd
like to have the following working:
# main.pl
$mw->configure(-menu => my $menubar = $mw->Menu);
my $menuMain = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Checkin', -tearoff
=> 0);
do 'advanced.pl';
# advanced.pl
my $menuAdv = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Advanced Cash', -tearoff
=> 0);
Thanks and best regards,
would split into 2
- the main part with all base functionalities
- the advanced (and optional) part with advanced functionalities
I'd like the main would import the advanced if present, in that case
the main would
offer all functionalities to the user otherwise just the base ones.
I tried to use the 'do' (and require, actually) without success. I'd
like to have the following working:
# main.pl
$mw->configure(-menu => my $menubar = $mw->Menu);
my $menuMain = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Checkin', -tearoff
=> 0);
do 'advanced.pl';
# advanced.pl
my $menuAdv = $menubar->cascade(-label => '~Advanced Cash', -tearoff
=> 0);
Thanks and best regards,