JB> Whether or not this is a good way may be up for debate, but it's *a* way:
irb(main):001:0>> "BenefitsAndFeatures".split(/([[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*)/).delete_if(&:empty?).join("-")
=>> "Benefits-And-Features"
This is sooo far beyond my skill level.
I'm gonna have to study this one for a while.
Simple explanation:
"BenefitsAndFeatures".split(/([[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*)/) returns an
array that was made from the string provided. The pattern for splitting
is a capital letter ([[:upper:]]) followed by one or more lowercase
letters ([[:lower:]]*):
irb(main):001:0> "BenefitsAndFeatures".split(/([[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*)/)
=> ["", "Benefits", "", "And", "", "Features"]
On that array, we call .delete_if(&:empty?) which will delete any
element from the array if it returns true to the empty check.
irb(main):002:0> _.delete_if(&:empty?)
=> ["Benefits", "And", "Features"]
On the cleaned array, we re-join into a string putting a dash between
each element.
irb(main):003:0> _.join("-")
=> "Benefits-And-Features"