Our website is currently developed in ASP/Mysql 4.
The dedicated servers on which it is currently hosted arrive at saturation.
Here is their configuration:
- 1 server PIV 2,8Ghz 1GB RAM with IIS 5 on Windows 2000
- 1 server Bi-xeon 3Ghz, 512 MB with MySQL 4 on Windows 2003
The website makes approximately 10.000.000 of pages seen and 310.000
visits each month (given by an external statistics tool), increasing by
10% each month.
The database is approximately 60 MB.
I made, I think, most of the optimizations on the database (cache,
According to our current web hoster, this saturation is due to a bad
management of connections between ASP and MySQL and recommends to us:
1/ to put the site on Windows 2003/IIS 6.
2/ to change our database from MySQL to SQL Server.
3/ to change our PIV to a second Bi-xeon.
What do you think of this solutions ?
Thanks for your help.
Our website is currently developed in ASP/Mysql 4.
The dedicated servers on which it is currently hosted arrive at saturation.
Here is their configuration:
- 1 server PIV 2,8Ghz 1GB RAM with IIS 5 on Windows 2000
- 1 server Bi-xeon 3Ghz, 512 MB with MySQL 4 on Windows 2003
The website makes approximately 10.000.000 of pages seen and 310.000
visits each month (given by an external statistics tool), increasing by
10% each month.
The database is approximately 60 MB.
I made, I think, most of the optimizations on the database (cache,
According to our current web hoster, this saturation is due to a bad
management of connections between ASP and MySQL and recommends to us:
1/ to put the site on Windows 2003/IIS 6.
2/ to change our database from MySQL to SQL Server.
3/ to change our PIV to a second Bi-xeon.
What do you think of this solutions ?
Thanks for your help.