I've got the standard SqlCacheDependency working just fine , ie. I've
defined (and encrypted) the connectionStrings section in the web.config, and
I've also defined an an sqlCacheDependency in the caching section. So, in my
code I add an item to the cache with an sqlCacheDependency, referencing the
named sqlCacheDependency in the web.config and the database table it is to
be based on (have enabled notificiations for that table). Fine.
What I'd like to do however is too dynamically build the connection strings
and define the sqlCacheDependencies dynamically as well (ie not in the
web.config), although thats thats too important, it's the connection string
I'm really interested in.
defined (and encrypted) the connectionStrings section in the web.config, and
I've also defined an an sqlCacheDependency in the caching section. So, in my
code I add an item to the cache with an sqlCacheDependency, referencing the
named sqlCacheDependency in the web.config and the database table it is to
be based on (have enabled notificiations for that table). Fine.
What I'd like to do however is too dynamically build the connection strings
and define the sqlCacheDependencies dynamically as well (ie not in the
web.config), although thats thats too important, it's the connection string
I'm really interested in.