trying the following code to test SQL connection to MS SQL server using
machine DNS name.
receiving errors:
[linker error] undefined reference to 'SQLAllocEnv@4'
[linker error] undefined reference to 'SQLAllocConnect@8'
(etc. for all SQL function calls in the code)
using Dev-C++ and the latest mingw WindowsAPI package (where
the sql header files are)
I've found others who have had the same problem, but no solution -
going nuts!
test code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
HENV hEnv = NULL; // Env Handle from SQLAllocEnv()
HDBC hDBC = NULL; // Connection handle
HSTMT hStmt = NULL;// Statement handle
UCHAR szDSN[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH] = "mydsn";// Data Source Name
UCHAR szUID[13] = "username";// User ID buffer
UCHAR szPasswd[7] = "passwd";// Password buffer
UCHAR szModel[128];// Model buffer
SDWORD cbModel;// Model buffer bytes recieved
UCHAR szSqlStr[128]= "SELECT test FROM testtable where test =
RETCODE retcode;
// Allocate memory for ODBC Environment handle
SQLAllocEnv (&hEnv);
// Allocate memory for the connection handle
SQLAllocConnect (hEnv, &hDBC);
// Connect to the data source "szDSN" using userid and password.
retcode = SQLConnect (hDBC, szDSN, SQL_NTS, szUID, SQL_NTS, szPasswd,
if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
// Allocate memory for the statement handle
retcode = SQLAllocStmt (hDBC, &hStmt);
// Prepare the SQL statement by assigning it to the statement
retcode = SQLPrepare (hStmt, szSqlStr, sizeof (szSqlStr));
// Execute the SQL statement handle
retcode = SQLExecute (hStmt);
// Project only column 1 which is the models
SQLBindCol (hStmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, szModel, sizeof(szModel),
// Get row of data from the result set defined above in the
retcode = SQLFetch (hStmt);
// Free the allocated statement handle
SQLFreeStmt (hStmt, SQL_DROP);
// Disconnect from datasource
SQLDisconnect (hDBC);
std::cout << retcode << "\n";
// Free the allocated connection handle
SQLFreeConnect (hDBC);
// Free the allocated ODBC environment handle
SQLFreeEnv (hEnv);
machine DNS name.
receiving errors:
[linker error] undefined reference to 'SQLAllocEnv@4'
[linker error] undefined reference to 'SQLAllocConnect@8'
(etc. for all SQL function calls in the code)
using Dev-C++ and the latest mingw WindowsAPI package (where
the sql header files are)
I've found others who have had the same problem, but no solution -
going nuts!
test code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
HENV hEnv = NULL; // Env Handle from SQLAllocEnv()
HDBC hDBC = NULL; // Connection handle
HSTMT hStmt = NULL;// Statement handle
UCHAR szDSN[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH] = "mydsn";// Data Source Name
UCHAR szUID[13] = "username";// User ID buffer
UCHAR szPasswd[7] = "passwd";// Password buffer
UCHAR szModel[128];// Model buffer
SDWORD cbModel;// Model buffer bytes recieved
UCHAR szSqlStr[128]= "SELECT test FROM testtable where test =
RETCODE retcode;
// Allocate memory for ODBC Environment handle
SQLAllocEnv (&hEnv);
// Allocate memory for the connection handle
SQLAllocConnect (hEnv, &hDBC);
// Connect to the data source "szDSN" using userid and password.
retcode = SQLConnect (hDBC, szDSN, SQL_NTS, szUID, SQL_NTS, szPasswd,
if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
// Allocate memory for the statement handle
retcode = SQLAllocStmt (hDBC, &hStmt);
// Prepare the SQL statement by assigning it to the statement
retcode = SQLPrepare (hStmt, szSqlStr, sizeof (szSqlStr));
// Execute the SQL statement handle
retcode = SQLExecute (hStmt);
// Project only column 1 which is the models
SQLBindCol (hStmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, szModel, sizeof(szModel),
// Get row of data from the result set defined above in the
retcode = SQLFetch (hStmt);
// Free the allocated statement handle
SQLFreeStmt (hStmt, SQL_DROP);
// Disconnect from datasource
SQLDisconnect (hDBC);
std::cout << retcode << "\n";
// Free the allocated connection handle
SQLFreeConnect (hDBC);
// Free the allocated ODBC environment handle
SQLFreeEnv (hEnv);