sqlobject 0.8.0b1 and python 2.5


Daniel Nogradi

Hi list,

I get loads of DeprecationWarnings while using sqlobject 0.8.0b1 with
python 2.5. Does this mean that the sqlobject project is not very up
to date? Or should I just ignore them and happily use it? In general,
what's the status of sqlobject, will it be dropped altogether after
sqlobject2 is out?

Anyone's experience with this version of sqlobject would be very
helpful. Since I'm starting to use sqlobject right now, if there is a
similar ORM tool that is comparable but up to date and actively
developed, that would be an option too. (Things like SQLAlchemy are
waaaay to complicated and complex for my needs. :))


Diez B. Roggisch

Daniel said:
Hi list,

I get loads of DeprecationWarnings while using sqlobject 0.8.0b1 with
python 2.5. Does this mean that the sqlobject project is not very up
to date? Or should I just ignore them and happily use it? In general,
what's the status of sqlobject, will it be dropped altogether after
sqlobject2 is out?

To my knowledge, the 0.8.x series is the current line of development,
and has made major progress over the previous versions. What makes you
think it will be stopped developing? And where does a sqlobject2 come from?

Regarding the warnings: I presume pretty much projects will have these,
cleaning up a code base, especially when the code is supposed to work
with python versions down to 2.2 is a major task, not do be done to
lightheartedly so to not risk introduction of errors.


Daniel Nogradi

To my knowledge, the 0.8.x series is the current line of development, and has

Yes, that's what I meant. The website says:

So, what is this?

This is a project to factor out pieces of SQLObject, and make it more
comfortable to use SQLObject in combination with ad hoc queries, to
build on SQLObject, and generally to do interesting things.

as well as

Right now (Feb 2006) SQLObject 2 is pre-alpha, and is very not
compatible with SQLObject 0.X.

So I was wondering if waiting for sqlobject2 is a good strategy or
going ahead with sqlobject. Probably I'll do the latter (the
DeprecationWarnings also became clear in the meantime, there was some
slight API change between recent versions).

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