Stuart Palmer
Not sure if this is the right place to post this as it's pure ssi question,
but I'll try anyway......
I have a server that only allows me to run ssi code. No perl, no asp, just
ssi code.
I can pull into a variable - <!--#set var="querystring"
value="$QUERY_STRING" -->
Now, if my querystring passed through has 3 params and values, I'd like to
split this up or pull in each of the 3 values into seperate variables, so I
can process them seperatly.
I would imagine that perhaps I might be able to do something like:
<!--#set var="var1" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable1')" -->
<!--#set var="var2" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable2')" -->
<!--#set var="var3" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable3')" -->
but not sure if this is valid context, if indeed it can be done.
Is there anyway I can do this?...if so, how? I don't want to use Javascript
(as this defeats the object or what I am trying to achieve)
Thanks for any help
Not sure if this is the right place to post this as it's pure ssi question,
but I'll try anyway......
I have a server that only allows me to run ssi code. No perl, no asp, just
ssi code.
I can pull into a variable - <!--#set var="querystring"
value="$QUERY_STRING" -->
Now, if my querystring passed through has 3 params and values, I'd like to
split this up or pull in each of the 3 values into seperate variables, so I
can process them seperatly.
I would imagine that perhaps I might be able to do something like:
<!--#set var="var1" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable1')" -->
<!--#set var="var2" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable2')" -->
<!--#set var="var3" value="$QUERY_STRING('variable3')" -->
but not sure if this is valid context, if indeed it can be done.
Is there anyway I can do this?...if so, how? I don't want to use Javascript
(as this defeats the object or what I am trying to achieve)
Thanks for any help