Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
I let the setup.py script talk:
# 03_1__noddy
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import distutils.ccompiler
compilerName = distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler()
options = []
if compilerName == "msvc":
# * distutils sets warning level 3:
# Overriding with warning level 4 generates command line warning D9025...
# There's no good away around that, it needs fix/extension of distutils
# or the config file(s) that distutil uses (perhaps that's a makefile?).
options.append( "/W4" ) # Must be done in this script.
# * distutils forgets to enable exception handling:
options.append( "/EHsc" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable RTTI:
options.append( "/GR" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable standard 'for' loop and 'wchar_t' type:
options.append( "/Zc:forScope,wchar_t" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
module1 = Extension(
name = "noddy",
sources = [ "noddy.cpp" ],
extra_compile_args = options
name = "noddy",
version = '1.0',
description = 'This is a demo package',
ext_modules = [module1]
- Alf
# 03_1__noddy
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import distutils.ccompiler
compilerName = distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler()
options = []
if compilerName == "msvc":
# * distutils sets warning level 3:
# Overriding with warning level 4 generates command line warning D9025...
# There's no good away around that, it needs fix/extension of distutils
# or the config file(s) that distutil uses (perhaps that's a makefile?).
options.append( "/W4" ) # Must be done in this script.
# * distutils forgets to enable exception handling:
options.append( "/EHsc" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable RTTI:
options.append( "/GR" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable standard 'for' loop and 'wchar_t' type:
options.append( "/Zc:forScope,wchar_t" ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
module1 = Extension(
name = "noddy",
sources = [ "noddy.cpp" ],
extra_compile_args = options
name = "noddy",
version = '1.0',
description = 'This is a demo package',
ext_modules = [module1]
- Alf