ani said:
Thank you very much.
Now i successfully executing my ruby files.
Thanks once again.
I hopeful for your help nexttine.
Can you suggest me good editor for ruby like zend for php?
For actually writing ruby code and running it you can use the command
This is the interactive environment for ruby.
Another useful command is
ri [object]
this lets you see what the methods are for each object - very handy when
you are starting out
The other advice you received is more for "ruby on rails" web
applications - please be aware that there are separate mailing lists for
both ruby (by itself - this one) and ruby on rails. This mailing list
is mainly for ruby (by itself), the rails mailing list[1] is mainly for
developing web applications with ruby with the rails framework.
There are many good editors for ruby (sorry I don't know zend or php) -
my personal favourite is probably vi(m) or scite (on windows) - of
course emacs works really well too. Commercially - Komodo from
ActiveState has ruby support now and Arachno(sp??) is a good editor if
you don't mind paying.
I'd suggest that as a php developer, you also subscribe to the rails
mailing list as you'll be exposed more to the web apps part of ruby that
way and as you know php, this will probably help you understand ruby
within the context of web development. Ruby-talk is a great place to
hang around for advice on good ruby idiom and style, but most rails
specific posts should go to the separate list. When you feel
comfortable, you can even try the ruby quiz. There are also other web
frameworks for ruby that you may want to try (Nitro+Og for example) or
the very small Camping from _why.
Feel free to look around the ruby universe - it's not just Rails
(although I must admit it seems to be the main reason people are picking
up ruby right now)
[1] (e-mail address removed)