Quartus is giving me the following error:
Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at Ramp.vhd(97):
inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "Ramp_State_Next", which
holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process
I'm doing the classic two-process state machine that I've done a
million times before. Of course "Ramp_State_Next" holds its previous
value in one or more paths!!! It's THE state variable!!!
So assuming the error is misleading as they usually are, what is it
that I should be looking for? I've looked through the code and in
every state Ramp_State_Next is being assigned to something regardless
of all the If..Then statements. Can some other signal infering a
latch and then through a dependancy on it, make the Ramp_State_Next
signal be latched? I guess I'm just at a loss where to go looking for
Any ideas?
Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at Ramp.vhd(97):
inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "Ramp_State_Next", which
holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process
I'm doing the classic two-process state machine that I've done a
million times before. Of course "Ramp_State_Next" holds its previous
value in one or more paths!!! It's THE state variable!!!
So assuming the error is misleading as they usually are, what is it
that I should be looking for? I've looked through the code and in
every state Ramp_State_Next is being assigned to something regardless
of all the If..Then statements. Can some other signal infering a
latch and then through a dependancy on it, make the Ramp_State_Next
signal be latched? I guess I'm just at a loss where to go looking for
Any ideas?