I have an static function and C++ member function (public) which have as variable a HTREEITEM parameter. They are both defined in the same file *.cpp.
Class_name::memberfunct(HTREEITEM hParent)
static void test()
//use memeberfunct here!
I would like to know how Can I have access from the static function to the member function...
Also, I don't know how can I use the HTREEITEM hParent that is inside of the static function
I appreciate your help
I have an static function and C++ member function (public) which have as variable a HTREEITEM parameter. They are both defined in the same file *.cpp.
Class_name::memberfunct(HTREEITEM hParent)
static void test()
//use memeberfunct here!
I would like to know how Can I have access from the static function to the member function...
Also, I don't know how can I use the HTREEITEM hParent that is inside of the static function
I appreciate your help