I don't know of any good online references for that, but a wonderful (and
cheap) book that contains a good explanation of it is:
O'Reilly CSS Pocket Reference by Eric A. Meyer
I have found this book to be very helpful. But here is something to take a
look at. When your code renders the styles from StaticSelectedStyle, where
does it place them? Are they specified in a style="" attribute of an <a> tag
(I am unfamiliar with the Menu control, but since you used #navigation a as
a selector I am assuming the tag you want styled is an <a> tag) or an
ancestor/parent of that <a> tag? If it is a style attribute in the <a> tag
itself, then that will take priority. But if the style attribute is in an
ancestor or parent, the styles from the #navigation a selector will take
priority because they are more specific to the <a> tag. Here is an
undetailed list from highest to lowest priority:
style="" attribute
#navigation a in stylesheet
style="" attribute in parent or ancestor
The things to think about that probably will make it clearer are inheritance
and which style specification is most specific to that tag? The style=""
attribute is the most specific, then comes the class="" attribute, then
selectors in the stylesheet, and then inheritance. I'm probably a little
unclear (or possibly in some cases partially inaccurate) on some of this,
but I think you'll understand it if you get the book, and hopefully what I
have said will help you at least a little. Good Luck!