Michael Hale
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I am getting this error intermittently during a telnet session:
"StcpSendStatus returned a send error". Below is the full string
returned by the telnet server with the error message.
"sho sys\n\377ntact \"\"\n\rStcpSendStatus returned a send
error\n\rsnmp-server location \"\"\n\rsnmp-server name
\"\"\n\rsnmp-server community private ro\n\rsnmp-server community Your
IP Packet rw\n\n\radmin>
After making repeated connections to my box this error starts showing
up, then seems to hang around until I reboot my box. However regular
command line (not ruby) telnet seems to work fine.
Any Ideas?
- Michael
"OS X: because it was easier to make UNIX user-friendly than to fix
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;
I am getting this error intermittently during a telnet session:
"StcpSendStatus returned a send error". Below is the full string
returned by the telnet server with the error message.
"sho sys\n\377ntact \"\"\n\rStcpSendStatus returned a send
error\n\rsnmp-server location \"\"\n\rsnmp-server name
\"\"\n\rsnmp-server community private ro\n\rsnmp-server community Your
IP Packet rw\n\n\radmin>
After making repeated connections to my box this error starts showing
up, then seems to hang around until I reboot my box. However regular
command line (not ruby) telnet seems to work fine.
Any Ideas?
- Michael
"OS X: because it was easier to make UNIX user-friendly than to fix