Rich Grise
I'm putting together a website with buttons in one frame and the target in
I found this on the web somewhere and copied it, now I can't find the page
I copied it from:
But I don't want it to come up "nothing selected", so I started doing
a little hacking, and came up with this:
Which starts on the right page, but I want button 1 to come up in the
"pressed" state, and I don't know how to do that.
Here's the frameset page:
<TITLE>Magic Buttons! - Demo 3</TITLE>
<!-- <FRAME SRC="target_nothing.html" NAME="topframe" SPACING=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0> replaced by below: -->
You can see where I changed the "start" page, and here's the bottom frame
with the buttons, and the one change I've made so far, which is to change
homeURL, but I don't know how to make it come up with button "1" pressed.
Does anyone have a script that would do that? I'm a programmer, but new
to JS and it's terribly confusing. Also, as a programmer, I'm wondering,
is this code well-written? Because I find it almost incomprehensible.
<TITLE>Magic Buttons! - Mouseover effects tutorial</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
M A G I C B U T T O N S v3.1
Permission is granted to freely use this script.
// preload images:
if (document.images) {
button1___up = new Image(36,32); button1___up.src = "button1___up.gif";
button1_init = new Image(36,32); button1_init.src = "button1_init.gif";
button1_down = new Image(36,32); button1_down.src = "button1_down.gif";
button2___up = new Image(36,32); button2___up.src = "button2___up.gif";
button2_init = new Image(36,32); button2_init.src = "button2_init.gif";
button2_down = new Image(36,32); button2_down.src = "button2_down.gif";
button3___up = new Image(36,32); button3___up.src = "button3___up.gif";
button3_init = new Image(36,32); button3_init.src = "button3_init.gif";
button3_down = new Image(36,32); button3_down.src = "button3_down.gif";
button4___up = new Image(36,32); button4___up.src = "button4___up.gif";
button4_init = new Image(36,32); button4_init.src = "button4_init.gif";
button4_down = new Image(36,32); button4_down.src = "button4_down.gif";
var cherry = 1;
var currentlyDepressed = "zz";
var imgName_old = "zz";
// var homeUrl = "target_nothing.html"; replaced by below:
var homeUrl = "target1.html";
/* The regular image swapping function. It does the mouseover
and the mouse out only. currentlyDepressed is the variable that
keeps the function from trying to change the depressed button.
function hiLite(imgName,imgObjName) {
if (document.images) {
if (imgName != currentlyDepressed) {
document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObjName + ".src");
/* The onClick/onMouseDown function. When a button is clicked
it not only depresses the button but remembers which one is
depressed. When another button is depressed the previous button
is popped up. Ain't it cool!
function hiLite2(imgName,imgObjName,resetImg,targetUrl) {
if (document.images) {
/* If you click on the currently depressed button
if (imgName == imgName_old) {
if (cherry == 0){
// pops the button back up
document.images[imgName_old].src = eval(imgObjName_old + ".src");
parent.topframe.location.href = homeUrl;
imgName_old = "zz";
imgObjName_old = resetImg;
currentlyDepressed = "zz";
cherry = 1;
} else {
/* If you click on a non-depressed button
if (cherry == 0){
// pops old button back up
document.images[imgName_old].src = eval(imgObjName_old + ".src");
// depresses new button
document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObjName + ".src");
parent.topframe.location.href = targetUrl;
imgName_old = imgName;
imgObjName_old = resetImg;
currentlyDepressed = imgName;
cherry = 0;
function nada() {
// What says fee-fi-fo fee-fi-fo-fo ??
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img01','button1___up'); top.status = 'Target 1'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img01','button1_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img01','button1_down','button1_init','target1.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img01" SRC="button1_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img02','button2___up'); top.status = 'Target 2'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img02','button2_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img02','button2_down','button2_init','target2.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img02" SRC="button2_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img03','button3___up'); top.status = 'Target 3'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img03','button3_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img03','button3_down','button3_init','target3.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img03" SRC="button3_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img04','button4___up'); top.status = 'Target 4'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img04','button4_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img04','button4_down','button4_init','target4.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img04" SRC="button4_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="target1.html" TARGET="topframe">[1]</A>
<A HREF="target2.html" TARGET="topframe">[2]</A>
<A HREF="target3.html" TARGET="topframe">[3]</A>
<A HREF="target4.html" TARGET="topframe">[4]</A>
<A HREF="target_nothing.html" TARGET="topframe">[none]</A>
<SMALL>(Text links provided for non-js browsers)</SMALL>
I found this on the web somewhere and copied it, now I can't find the page
I copied it from:
But I don't want it to come up "nothing selected", so I started doing
a little hacking, and came up with this:
Which starts on the right page, but I want button 1 to come up in the
"pressed" state, and I don't know how to do that.
Here's the frameset page:
<TITLE>Magic Buttons! - Demo 3</TITLE>
<!-- <FRAME SRC="target_nothing.html" NAME="topframe" SPACING=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0> replaced by below: -->
You can see where I changed the "start" page, and here's the bottom frame
with the buttons, and the one change I've made so far, which is to change
homeURL, but I don't know how to make it come up with button "1" pressed.
Does anyone have a script that would do that? I'm a programmer, but new
to JS and it's terribly confusing. Also, as a programmer, I'm wondering,
is this code well-written? Because I find it almost incomprehensible.
<TITLE>Magic Buttons! - Mouseover effects tutorial</TITLE>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
M A G I C B U T T O N S v3.1
Permission is granted to freely use this script.
// preload images:
if (document.images) {
button1___up = new Image(36,32); button1___up.src = "button1___up.gif";
button1_init = new Image(36,32); button1_init.src = "button1_init.gif";
button1_down = new Image(36,32); button1_down.src = "button1_down.gif";
button2___up = new Image(36,32); button2___up.src = "button2___up.gif";
button2_init = new Image(36,32); button2_init.src = "button2_init.gif";
button2_down = new Image(36,32); button2_down.src = "button2_down.gif";
button3___up = new Image(36,32); button3___up.src = "button3___up.gif";
button3_init = new Image(36,32); button3_init.src = "button3_init.gif";
button3_down = new Image(36,32); button3_down.src = "button3_down.gif";
button4___up = new Image(36,32); button4___up.src = "button4___up.gif";
button4_init = new Image(36,32); button4_init.src = "button4_init.gif";
button4_down = new Image(36,32); button4_down.src = "button4_down.gif";
var cherry = 1;
var currentlyDepressed = "zz";
var imgName_old = "zz";
// var homeUrl = "target_nothing.html"; replaced by below:
var homeUrl = "target1.html";
/* The regular image swapping function. It does the mouseover
and the mouse out only. currentlyDepressed is the variable that
keeps the function from trying to change the depressed button.
function hiLite(imgName,imgObjName) {
if (document.images) {
if (imgName != currentlyDepressed) {
document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObjName + ".src");
/* The onClick/onMouseDown function. When a button is clicked
it not only depresses the button but remembers which one is
depressed. When another button is depressed the previous button
is popped up. Ain't it cool!
function hiLite2(imgName,imgObjName,resetImg,targetUrl) {
if (document.images) {
/* If you click on the currently depressed button
if (imgName == imgName_old) {
if (cherry == 0){
// pops the button back up
document.images[imgName_old].src = eval(imgObjName_old + ".src");
parent.topframe.location.href = homeUrl;
imgName_old = "zz";
imgObjName_old = resetImg;
currentlyDepressed = "zz";
cherry = 1;
} else {
/* If you click on a non-depressed button
if (cherry == 0){
// pops old button back up
document.images[imgName_old].src = eval(imgObjName_old + ".src");
// depresses new button
document.images[imgName].src = eval(imgObjName + ".src");
parent.topframe.location.href = targetUrl;
imgName_old = imgName;
imgObjName_old = resetImg;
currentlyDepressed = imgName;
cherry = 0;
function nada() {
// What says fee-fi-fo fee-fi-fo-fo ??
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img01','button1___up'); top.status = 'Target 1'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img01','button1_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img01','button1_down','button1_init','target1.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img01" SRC="button1_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img02','button2___up'); top.status = 'Target 2'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img02','button2_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img02','button2_down','button2_init','target2.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img02" SRC="button2_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img03','button3___up'); top.status = 'Target 3'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img03','button3_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img03','button3_down','button3_init','target3.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img03" SRC="button3_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="javascript:nada()"
onMouseOver="hiLite('img04','button4___up'); top.status = 'Target 4'; return true"
onMouseOut="hiLite('img04','button4_init'); top.status = ''; return true"
onClick="hiLite2('img04','button4_down','button4_init','target4.html'); return false"><IMG
NAME="img04" SRC="button4_init.gif" width=36 height=32 border=0></A>
<A HREF="target1.html" TARGET="topframe">[1]</A>
<A HREF="target2.html" TARGET="topframe">[2]</A>
<A HREF="target3.html" TARGET="topframe">[3]</A>
<A HREF="target4.html" TARGET="topframe">[4]</A>
<A HREF="target_nothing.html" TARGET="topframe">[none]</A>
<SMALL>(Text links provided for non-js browsers)</SMALL>