frank.nielsen AT rocketmail DOT com
Hi there
Properly a simple question for a stl programmer, which i'm not...
I am integrating two systems, one which is a c programs and the other uses stl. How do i pass a binary aray into a stream?! All examples i can find use file streams as input...
I fingue it will look something like this or maybe the stream has a .read method?!
void* data;
int datalen;
std::somekindofstream is( data, datalen );
Regards, Frank
Properly a simple question for a stl programmer, which i'm not...
I am integrating two systems, one which is a c programs and the other uses stl. How do i pass a binary aray into a stream?! All examples i can find use file streams as input...
I fingue it will look something like this or maybe the stream has a .read method?!
void* data;
int datalen;
std::somekindofstream is( data, datalen );
Regards, Frank