I have some code that builds fine on .Net 2001(?).. VC++ 7.0. But with
gcc 3.42 in MinGW and MS VC++ 6.0 it does not. I can understand VC++
not working, but isn't gcc standard yet? Here is the code, from what I
can tell from searching around, the function in the third term is ok in
some compilers, but not others. Can anyone recommend a free compliant
compiler, is Open Watcom?
vector<CIniFile::Record> content; // Used to hold the sorted content
vector<CIniFile::Record> sections = GetSections(FileName); // Get a
list of Sections
if(!sections.empty()) // Is there anything to process?
if(Descending) // Descending or Ascending?
std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end(),
else // Sort the Sections
std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end(),
gcc 3.42 in MinGW and MS VC++ 6.0 it does not. I can understand VC++
not working, but isn't gcc standard yet? Here is the code, from what I
can tell from searching around, the function in the third term is ok in
some compilers, but not others. Can anyone recommend a free compliant
compiler, is Open Watcom?
vector<CIniFile::Record> content; // Used to hold the sorted content
vector<CIniFile::Record> sections = GetSections(FileName); // Get a
list of Sections
if(!sections.empty()) // Is there anything to process?
if(Descending) // Descending or Ascending?
std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end(),
else // Sort the Sections
std::sort(sections.begin(), sections.end(),