Im trying to install streamlined by "gem install streamlined" in
wondows 2003. But when executing I get a error as follows.
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find streamlined (> 0) in the repository
As per some group discussions I have deleted "source_cache" file in
the gem path dir. Still I get the error message.
Please suggest some way to install it
Thanks in advance.
Im trying to install streamlined by "gem install streamlined" in
wondows 2003. But when executing I get a error as follows.
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find streamlined (> 0) in the repository
As per some group discussions I have deleted "source_cache" file in
the gem path dir. Still I get the error message.
Please suggest some way to install it
Thanks in advance.